hypertension who have proven to be difficult to treat.
This device is placed at the top of the thigh, to create a channel between the main artery
and vein.
This is part of the flow of blood in the stray away towards the above in body and heart,
and, surprisingly, the effect is to lower the blood pressure throughout the body.
This experimental procedure has proven effective in the reduction of high blood pressure in
patients who do not respond to treatment.
The first international test results, including a team at the General Hospital in
Eastbourne in East Sussex, published in The Lancet by 2015.
Experiments show that patients respond well to the treatments, with some being able to
reduce their medication. There is anecdotal evidence of some drug pain comes really.
The leading vascular surgeon John Scurr welcomed the development as ' interesting ' but
urged caution, saying: ' this is a newbie who promises results, however, there is a
legitimate and important concern that patients realize it remains very much an essay.
' I am worried also that the effect of the implant can make blood pressure quickly and put
a strain on the heart. '
Complications after surgery include problems with the blood vessels narrow, requiring a
further procedure, which takes place in a third of cases.
Blood pressure is measured in two ways: the systolic pressure-the pressure when the heart
beats and pushes out the arteries-and diastolic pressure, blood pressure when the heart is
Ideal reading this not more than 120/80 and high blood pressure or hypertension, is
diagnosed when the level of 140/90 or higher are constantly seen.
This condition affects one in three adults in the United Kingdom and increase the risk of
heart attack and stroke.
A variety of drugs used to treat hypertension, including beta blockers, calcium antagonists
and diuretics.
But the one in 15 people with high blood pressure, suffering from hypertension drug
The blood pressure measured in the arteries, vessels that distribute blood pumped out from
the heart.
It's not as strong as arteries and veins that are not pressurized, getting back to the
Clutch Rox, which currently is available only in selected hospitals in the United Kingdom,
is a thin nickel titanium wire size clips.
It is designed to divert a portion of the iliac arteries, venous blood to lower blood
pressure without significantly reducing the blood flow to the limbs.
During the implantation procedure, doctors insert a catheter through the two prick at the
top of the thigh, veins and arteries and creating a hole between the femoral artery and
vein, in putting together the Rox clutch.
Stent made a small hole, about 4 mm, open between arteries and veins.
Jane Smith, 52, of Eastbourne, had a stent is implanted by cardiologists from the
Eastbourne hospital Dr. Neil Sulke six months ago. He has been diagnosed with high blood
pressure five years earlier.
Jane says: ' my blood pressure immediately fall flip and I already have stopped taking beta
blockers. I also have diabetes, and reduce blood pressure has decreased the risk of
cardiovascular problems.
"I am really happy."
Dr Sulke said: ' implementation of this device is safe and instant drop in blood pressure.
' It could be an important new treatment option for patients with resistant hypertension '.