Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Astronomers find SIXTY new planets orbiting stars near our solar system - and say some 'could be like Earth'

In the search for life beyond Earth, researchers have discovered a new planet orbiting the star 60 near our solar system.

Among the new planets are hot ' Super Earth ', called Gliese 411b, has a rocky surface, located in a star system closest to the Sun.

The researchers say that this planet shows that ' almost all ' nearest star from the Sun have planets orbiting them, and some of them can be like ' Earth. '

This discovery was made by an international team of researchers, led by the University of Hertfordshire.

Along with the new planet 60, the researchers found evidence of more than 54 other planets, bringing the total number of the potential new world to 114.

Results based on observation of individual stars almost 61,000 1,600 taken over a period of 20 years by astronomers from the United States to use the Keck telescope in Hawaii.

This statement is part of a survey of extrasolar planets from the lick-Carnegie, launched in 1996 by Steve Vogt and astronomer Geoffrey Marcy of the University of California and Paul Butler, Carnegie Institute of science, in Washington.

Dr. Mikko Tuomi, who led the study, said: "it is interesting to think that when we look at the nearest stars, they all seem to have planets orbiting them."

' This is something that astronomers are not sure over, even as little as five years ago.

' This new Planet also help us to better understand the process of the formation of planetary systems and provides an attractive target for future efforts of planet images directly. '

Dr. Butler has added: ' the paper version and this data are one of my achievements as astronomer coronation.

' This is the good part of my life and work. '
Documents from the Group has been accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal.

The team hopes the decision will lead to a wave of new science, astronomers in the world combining the employee data 

with observations that exist on their own, or mount a new campaign record to follow up on potential signals.

The catalog is part of a growing trend in the Exoplanet science to expand the public space and the discovery, which came in part to deal with the consequences of the follow-up to the findings of NASA'S Kepler mission and K2.

"I think that this article sets a precedent on how communities can collaborate in the detection of exoplanets and follow-up", said Johanna Teske Observatory and the Department of terrestrial magnetism of the Carnegie team.

' With the Mission of TESS on the horizon, NASA expected 1000 + can detect planets orbiting bright stars, the extrasolar planet near scientists will soon have a new group of planet tracking '.

' The best way to make progress in the field and further our understanding of what the planet is made of is to utilize the capabilities of the various instruments of precision radial velocity and deploy in concert, ' says Jennifer Burt MIT team members.

"But it will require some major team to break with tradition and begin serious cooperation effort of leaders."
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