Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Why Facebook wants to rewire your life

FACEBOOK founder Zuckerberg manifesto, clearly written in response to allegations in a
social network in the wake of the bitter election campaign of the United States, is a scary

document, dystopian. This shows that Facebook, launched, in Zuckerberg's words, to "expand the capacity of people to build and maintain relationships", is not to be something of an extraterritorial State led by a small, selected Government depends heavily on personal social engineering algorithms.

In 2012, Zuckerberg Facebook targeting future investors in a letter attached to the initial public offering of the company's brochure. Here is how he describes the object:
"Even if it is just with your family, or close friends made a more open culture and leads to a better understanding of life and another perspective."We believe that this creates a lot more stronger relationships between communities, and support people affected by a large number of diverse perspectives.

"Helping people form this relationship, hoping that the spread of people and consume information." We believe that the information in the world of infrastructure should be similar to the social graph, the network that was built from the ground up or peer-to-peer, rather than a monolithic and vertical structure that has existed to date.

"We also believe that giving people control over what they share is a fundamental principle of this cable".

What their beliefs are based, for the most part have failed the test of time. Instead of creating a stronger connection, Facebook has generated anxiety and addiction that is the subject of academic study of Portugal into Spain. 

Several studies have found that using Facebook was cut off from the life satisfaction of the users.

Experiment Denmark in 2015, with those who are weaned from Facebook for a week and a control group that maintains the use, showed that people in a social network are 55% more likely to feel stress; one source of that stress is the envy of the life of the glossified reported by other users. The welfare of users, research has shown, only tend to increase when they have significant interaction, such as the exchange of old messages, with people who are close to them.

In his latest manifesto, Zuckerberg used groups of raising children as an example of something that your company make true. But recent research shows that some moms use Facebook to validate the perception of themselves as good parents, couldn't get enough of the validation results in symptoms of depression.

In terms of information infrastructure "rewired", helped to prosecute people on ideological silos and feed them content that reinforces the confirmation bias.

Active Facebook created Silo with a set of algorithms that are located in the Centre, forming the news about the power users. The algorithm gives priority to showing users based in large part on how many times a user has interacted recently with posters and in the number of "like" and comment posting has won.

In other words, emphasizing the more emotional positions attract people interested-during the election campaign, recipes for bubble filter and, in addition, to expand the emotional rather than rational arguments.

Bragging in his new manifesto, Zuckerberg wrote: "in a new campaign around the world-from India and Indonesia all over Europe to the United States, have seen the candidates with Facebook the next largest and most involved usually wins."

In the Netherlands, the liberal Prime Minister Mark Rutte page has 17,527 tastes; The Fiery nationalist Geert Wilders, 

174,188. In France, the Rationalist Emmanuel Macron has 165,850 tastes, while Marine Le Pen's extreme right has 1.2 million.

Help them win is hardly something that would make Zuckerberg, a liberal, however, with the interference with algorithms in what people can see on your network, has created a powerful tool for the populist.

Zuckerberg did not fix this error and stop messing with what View people in your social network. On the other hand, the new manifesto is talking about Facebook as if a country or supranational bloc is not just a technology that enables communication.

Zuckerberg explained how Facebook group classified in "significant" and, perhaps, more of the senses. Instead of facilitating communication between people who are already part of the social support groups off-line, wanted Facebook relationships in the real world of the project. Obviously, this is a more effective way for the maintenance of competition in the Gulf.

Facebook CEO says that his team is working on artificial intelligence will be able to flag the message for offensive content, nudity, violence, hatred and pass them to a human decision.

If past experience is any indication, it will overload the human just rubber stamp the decisions made largely by the technology, which Zuckerberg admits is still not so perfect. Zuckerberg also pointed out that it allows each user to apply a filter that is provided by this technology.

Where is the line of nudity? About the violence? Graphic content? In the words bad? You decide on will be your personal settings. You will periodically be asked these questions to increase participation and thus it is not necessary to dig around to find them.

For those who do not take a decision, the default value for what will become the majority of the people in the country or region that you select, as a referendum on you. You always will be free to update Your privacy settings at any time.

The real effect will be that most users, too lazy to land with the settings, will accept the rules "in part", which even the less likely there is nothing to jar out of the comfort zone. Those who use the filters will not be much better. They will have no idea what is filtered because Facebook is a black box algorithms.

Zuckerberg puts Facebook as a global community that needs better oversight, control and shift toward the social practices of the best. This allows some democracy and the "referendum", but the company will take a final decision on the type of content that people must look based on their behavior on Facebook.

In the end, this type of social engineering affects mood and behavior of people. May result in commercial interactions or induce give cause, but also be able to get out in the real world in ways more worrisome.

It's impossible to fake the humility of the heroes of Silicon Valley. But Zuckerberg should realize that treated the way how people use Facebook, you can create a monster.

Your company on other services, Messenger and WhatsApp, it only allows the user to communicate without interference of any kind, and that the function is the source of the most controversial examples of Zuckerberg's manifesto.

"In Kenya, the entire village is in a group of WhatsApp, including their representatives," wrote Facebook's CEO. Well, so they are companions of the school my kids, and it was wonderful.

People are grateful for the tools that help them to work, study, things together – but they respond to grazing in a way that is unexpected.

"Virtual suicide the identity" is one; the trend does not appear in the reported total usage of Facebook, but that could be because many "active users" company reports that actually a bot. If you write "how to stop" in the Google search window, "how to Facebook" will become the first suggestion.
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