Saturday, March 18, 2017

Indy Car circuit! Radical (but terrifying) plan could cut fuel use and optimize traffic

At first, it sounds like a recipe for disaster – a circular trajectory in which three planes can take off and land at the same time. However, experts say that the song 'Indy car circuit' could revolutionize air travel, cuts the Crosswinds and track operations safer, more efficient. Endless track project has proposed plans to build a circular 3.5 km wide strip with sloping sides around the airport, with claims will allow airplanes or regardless of wind direction. 
Not only will a circular track to travel more efficiently, but also opens up the possibility to reduce the environmental impact of the airport, as it will allow planes burn less fuel, according to the BBC. And, it will be the same length with three straight tracks, with the ability to operate on the current workload of the four. Limited physical limitations in the operation of the songs, such as the wake Vortex separation minima and Cruz and the wind is profitable, making it difficult to improve the performance of the conventional Airport settings, explains the endless track team. Basically, the concept of «can produce breakthroughs in sustainable Airport capacity to avoid the limitations of conventional physical grounding through the displacement of the point of take-off and landing airplane. Based on the design of the endless, circular system will be divided into 18 segments of track-which means that many access points.The three aircraft could land and take off at the same time, because each will use part of the circle is limited. 

According to the team of endless tracks, the system operates independent of the direction of the wind, as opposed to the straight track. This means that aircraft can take off and land from any direction.The aircraft can take off and land at the points of the circle is to ensure that you do not have a side wind and headwind just, Hank Hesselink Netherlands Aerospace Centre, told the BBC. Passengers will experience a slight turn similar to a turn in the air. Because of centrifugal forces, the aircraft would automatically go slower and go to the center of the track. However, don't feel as if you were on a roller coaster, convincing investigators. The project has provided three different landing scenario: low wind strong wind and wind direction changes. In the first situation, the plane will fly to the point of contact that is exactly the headwind. Low wind conditions means there are restrictions for landing, the weather short intervals and eliminates the need for aircraft matches the category of turbulent wake. Under winds of change, the team said that the sequence of the plane can ' slowly "moved" by the direction of the wind. 

Despite the promise of efficiency, there has been little evidence of this type of design.
Tests conducted by the military in the decades of 1960 in circular tracks, but the circular path of the commercial never have been built, according to the BBC. The endless runway project, funded by the European Commission, the current simulation to test a radical plan. However, could one day offer a way to stay one step ahead of demands travel boom. There is a great demand for more airport. People really want to fly, Hesselink told the BBC. The airport is becoming more solid. The circular path is a more efficient way to handle all this traffic.

Based on the design of the endless, circular system will be divided into 18 segments of track-which means that many access points. The three aircraft could land and take off at the same time, because each will use part of the circle is limited. According to the team of endless tracks, the system operates independent of the direction of the wind, as opposed to the straight track. This means that aircraft can take off and land from any direction. The project has provided three different landing scenario: low wind strong wind and wind direction changes. In the first situation, the plane will fly to the point of contact that is exactly the headwind. Low wind conditions means there are restrictions for landing, the weather short intervals and eliminates the need for aircraft matches the category of turbulent wake.
Under winds of change, the team said that the sequence of the plane can ' slowly "moved" by the direction of the wind. 

the 1990s, the United States Navy tested the idea of applying circular walkways, use the test car lines as analog airport with a concept.The evidence documented by popular science in 1966 revealed the Navy conducted trials in 1964 and 1965 use learning 8,400 foot wide track. And while the first pilot said that they felt they were flying in a ' hole ', soon became a fan of the design. Some do takeoffs and landings during a successful test, with claims that will work for civil and military purposes. But the idea. Although the evidence in the 1960s, the circular path of the commercial never has been built according to the BBC. The endless runway project, funded by the European Commission, the current simulation to test a radical plan.
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