Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Trump signs NASA bill aimed at sending people to Mars

Trump's President has signed a law that authorizes $19.5 billion in funding for NASA, the first such legal authorization for projects the agency space within seven years.
Trump's President has signed a law that authorizes $19.5 billion in funding for NASA, the first such legal   authorization for projects the agency space within seven years.

Bill more or less parallel to the initial draft budget that Trump filed last week. NASA did not face the same cuts as science and international medical organizations, who stand to lose the most from the budget proposal under other Presidents. Send a human to Mars by the 2030s remains a long-term objective of NASA and Congress will continue to fund the construction of the system of the space launch rockets and the Orion crew capsule for the mission.
"I think it is really more of a voice for stability," said Scott Pace, Director of the Institute of space policy at George Washington University. He pointed out that the adoption of the last count of the NASA 2010 authorization is pretty messed up because it is the end of the constellation program to send astronauts to the moon.

This year the Bill left untouched the NASA Earth science budget, for now. Earth Science viewed pieces of 5 per cent in the plan the President and Trump said Tuesday that NASA thinks it should focus on the spaces in, not the Earth. "It's been a long time since such a Bill has been signed by a national commitment to reaffirm the Mission of NASA's human space exploration, space science, and technology," he said. He later added, "we support the work. It's a job. " The BILL passed with bipartisan support can be read in full here. The following is the signature of the Bill:

The astronauts will receive health care for life

The astronauts treatment included in the Bills finally Act mandate to NASA to pay for monitoring, diagnosis, and treatment of health problems related to space flight all the ancient astronauts. Space Agency had been monitored for a long time with the astronauts for health problems after his time in space, which is what we know about visual intracranial pressure deficiency syndrome, eye damage caused by microgravity. But NASA cannot treat problems found; It could only be referring to the astronauts back to their primary care physician. In 2010, then an Administrator Charles Bolden called on Congress to make sure the benefits of life for astronauts. He was opposed by the Union that represents many NASA officials, according to the Wall Street Journal, because the proposals benefited only a small group of people.

Now, the retired astronauts NASA receives lifetime health care for all issues related to space flight. This is great news not only for the astronauts, but for scientists studying the health effects of space travel, something that NASA will have to take into consideration that Srivijaya prepares to send humans into seven months of travel to Mars.

Trump National Space Council reactivated

Vice President penny says in the law firm that he will go to the National Council for a new space, a Committee of advisers who serve as intermediaries for NASA and the White House who has not worked since George H. W. Bush was President. It is not clear yet When the Council will be established, or how it can promote the President's space policy. Pace, who served aboard the space under Bush, said that the Council's help to resolve the problem that some federal institutions: for example, the question of cooperation in the international space station (ISS), which means that NASA and the Department.

The Mission of the asteroids redirect surely die

The authorization bill directing NASA to keep the display on a human mission to Mars 2033 (though it did not explain whether it will land or just visiting the orbit of Mars). But Congress wants to achieve an alternative space agency to steer asteroid mission (arm), which should send humans to orbit the moon as a step toward the red planet. NASA does not need to be told twice, since the budget plan does not include funding for the arms, acting administrator Robert Lightfoot announced that NASA has not investigated this mission.

But it means that NASA find other steps "intermediate" in the journey from Earth to Mars. One of them is going to the Moon? At the request of the President, NASA studied the feasibility of adding the astronauts for flight test rocket, SLS, which is scheduled to fly to the Moon next year. Trump also makes references to the moon landing of Apollo 11 in 1969 on Tuesday. "It was a great moment in our history," he said. "Right now, the nation is poised to be first in space once again."

NASA could soon be chartering a commercial flight to the ISS

The legislation authorizing the project mandate that NASA cannot obtain the foreign entity Services space flight unless you have a vehicle commercial providers are not available from NASA or theUnited States. It also directed space agency to discuss ways to promote private space industry.

Trump is not personally interested in travelling to space (although he was willing to send Congress)

During the Bill signing, Trump addressed Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) comments on the difficulty of being an astronaut. I don't know Ted, you want to do this?» he asked. "I don't think you will.
Cross shook his head, so Trump looked for Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.).

"Marco, want to do it?"

Rubio also declined. Both senators were co-sponsors of the Bill, and the countries that are home to two great center of NASA: Johnson Space Center in Houston and Kennedy in Cape Canaveral, Florida, Space Center. "It could send the space Congress", showed Cruz, apparently without taking into account the fact that he was a member of Congress.

"We can," said Trump. "What a great idea that could."
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