Tuesday, January 24, 2017

'Mental Viagra' injections made from Chocolate could soon be used to fire up desire in men's brains

A hormone found in chocolate could be Viagra ' mentally ', which helps to bring couples in the mood for sex.
Kisspeptin, found in chocolate, is a hormone in the brain that kickstarts puberty.
And that may explain something about the behavior of teenagers, after scientists found that
make people more interested in sex and relationships.

Young people injected with hormones and then given brain scans revealed a flurry of
activity in the parts of the brain activated by romance and sexual arousal.
Similar injections means could be used to help people to start a family.

Professor Waljit Dhillo, author of research at Imperial College London, said: "our initial
results are novel and interesting as they indicate that kisspeptin plays an important role
in encouraging some of the emotions and responses that lead to sex and reproduction.

"Finally, we are very interested in investigating where kisspeptin could be an effective
treatment for disorders psychosexual and potentially help countless couples struggling to conceive.
One out of every 10 people in the United Kingdom is believed to have sexual problems, many
suffer from lack of libido caused by stress, anxiety, and relationship problems.

This can cause problems for couples trying for a baby and advised to have sex on a regular basis throughout the month.

But kisspeptin is expected to respond after a trial involving 29 young healthy.
Those with kisspeptin, discovered in 1990 in Hershey, Pennsylvania, and named after the
town of Hershey's kisses chocolate candy called reacted differently to images of sexual and
non-sexual romantic couples.

An MRI scanner, where their brains were monitored, was greater activity in the parts of the brain normally triggered by sexual excitement and romance than men given a placebo.
Professor Dhillo said: "most of the methods of investigation and treatment for infertility
so far have focused on biological factors which may make it difficult for a couple to
conceive naturally.


Eat chocolate, cookies and bread, while suffering from cancer causes the most deadly
disease, research has suggested last month.

A key ingredient in oil palm found in hundreds of food and some toiletries-stimulates a
protein called CD36 in human beings.

Experts believe plays a vital role in tumor growth, its anchor and spread around the body,
referred to as metastasis.

It is expected that the results of the ' revolutionaries ' may lead to new treatments for
cancer prevention to reach vital organs.

"Naturally they play a crucial role in reproduction, but the role of emotional processing

and the brain in the process is also very important and only partially understood.
The effect is likely the role of kisspeptin in puberty, stimulating the release of
reproductive hormones.
A study by the University of Edinburgh, previously found are fueling the production of
testosterone, which is the key to fertility and male libido.

The researchers now want to study how hormone affects women as well as men, while kisspeptin, it also can function as an antidepressant.
Volunteers shown negative emotional and fearful faces in pictures, said they felt less bad
follow-up questionnaires after receiving the hormone, with less activity in the brain
structures important in regulating in a bad mood.

Dr. Alexander Comninos, first author of the study in the Imperial, said: "our study shows
that kisspeptin increases sexual activity of the brain, as well as romantic and reduce negative moods.
"This raises the interesting possibility that kisspeptin may have uses in the treatment of
depression and psycho-sexual disorders that are health problems that often occur together,
but further studies would be needed to investigate this."

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