Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Theresa May is Not for turning as she insists Trump's state visit will go ahead despite travel ban row even though 'we have a different approach in the UK'

Teresa challenge has been highlighted by the decision to issue an invitation to Donald 
Trump to conduct a State visit to Britain in protest over a controversial travel ban.

The Prime Minister, who became the first world leader to meet the new Us President at the 
White House, the face of the demands of the petition signed by more than 1.4 million people 
call the visit.

But appearing in a joint press conference in Dublin with Ireland's Prime Minister Enda 
Kenny, p. Mayo is confident that it will go forward.

' The United States is a close ally of United Kingdom. We work together in the many areas 
of common interest and have a special connection between us, ' he said.

' I've been issued on an invitation to visit President Trump State for the United Kingdom 
and the invitation it. '

It came after Boris Johnson night Donald Trump says there is no possibility of his State 
visit to the United Kingdom this year were cancelled.

He rejected a call by a senior Tory politicians and a petition signed by more than 1.4 
million people demanding the President invited here by the ban on travel to citizens of the 
seven countries the majority of Muslims.

The Foreign Minister said President Trump ' selected heads of State of our closest allies 
and said there was a ' really is no reason why it should not be a State visit and all the 
reasons why he should be '.

No.10 told Teresa may ' very happy ' President Trump has received an invitation from the 
Queen to visit, adding: ' we hope to host the Presidents of this year '.

But Mr Johnson repeated his criticism against President Trump ' controversial ' travel ban 
and agreed that it causes the ' riots ' in the world.

Also issued a fresh travel guides, insisting that a citizen of the United Kingdom will not 
be affected by the repression of the Trump immigration President.

But there is growing pressure on the Government over relations with the President of Trump.
A planned protest against a ban on him which will take place in Edinburgh, Cardiff, 
Manchester, Newcastle, Leeds, Cambridge and Birmingham and London, demonstrators 
protested outside Downing Street.

Tory peer Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, the first woman to participate in the Cabinet, becoming 
the latest high-profile politician to ask for a State visit to postponed until the victory 
of the President has lifted a controversial ban on travel.

And members of Parliament must now discuss calling for State President visits the victory 
erased after a petition online easy order 100,000 hours were created.

Beyond 1 million names 10:00 this morning — less than 36 hours because it is made-and the 
second movement is the most popular on the site petition the Government online.

But Downing Street rejected the petition, claiming that his visit be a shame to the Queen 
as ' populist ' attitude.

And the suggestion that the visit of the President of the State may be canceled, saying it 
was ' undo all ' thing that women can achieve during his visit to the White House on 

The angry exchanges in the Commons in today's MPs urged ministers to cancel the visit of 
President Trump State.

Veteran Socialist Dennis Skinner said that Britain should not run ' goes hand in hand with 
other fascist-trumpet, ' while his colleague David Winnick labour victory brand President ' 
intolerant ' rather than ' in the situation should address Parliament ' during their visit.

But Mr Johnson rejected called for canceling the visit, telling MPs: ' it should be 
remembered that he is a head of State chosen from our closest ally and most important, 
and there is no reason why he should not be granted a State visit and all the reasons why he 
should be. '

There were warnings from Muslim London Mayor Sadiq Khan to continue with the visit of 
Chairman victory could increase the threat of terrorism in London. I'm afraid that will be 
used to act as a recruiting Sergeant calls Isis and other affinity groups, writing in the 
Evening Standard.

Mr. Khan said that London would not support the ' red carpet ' roll to victory President.
Last night it was announced that executive order, preventing anyone who entered the United 
States from seven countries the majority of Muslims for 90 days, do not apply to citizens 
of the United Kingdom with dual citizenship to one country is prohibited.

Yesterday Downing Street insisted that it was not a special offer for the United Kingdom 
but otherwise officials asked for clarification. A spokesman for adding him ' that is not 
in accordance with the restrictions '.

President Trump hard-line immigration crackdown triggered protests in the United States 
and today will be the thousands of protestors into the streets of cities in Britain.

Tory peer Baroness Warsi says that the President should not Trump gives you the honor of a 
State visit.

We must question whether, in the United Kingdom, this is something that the British have to 
do with a man who don't respect women, despised by minorities, little value for LGBT, there 
is compassion for the vulnerable communities and policy rooted in the divisive rhetoric, 
saying the current program.

' The people who run this country and set up my lean people who hold the views he holds, 
the values are not the same as the values of the United Kingdom, I think that it sends a 
very wrong signal. '

The speaker said that the Government must ensure that ' people in this country know what 
crazy President United States can do, is not what we believe in and do not support it. '

Baroness Warsi eco Ms Davidson, who said a State visit ' impossible ' as ' cruel and 
divisive policies that discriminate against citizens of the host country '.

Mr. Khan, who became the first Muslim Mayor of the capital of the West last year, writing 
in the evening standard today: ' now we have to put an end to full State visit President 
bids Trump-up lifting this ban.

' I don't think that the people of London would support the deployment of the red carpet 
until this happens. Great friends among themselves should be warned when they make a 
mistake. '

And former Labour leader Ed Miliband told the BBC: ' If you ever want to radicalize — tools 
for Isis people against the United States, I fear that President Trump unfortunately has 
been provided.

' I don't think that a State visit can continue under these circumstances. '
Request of President Trump that prevent the given State visit is now most popular of online 
Government petition website in 2010.

But the call so far from the biggest in the history of Parliament's requests, when more 
than 4million people demanding a second referendum on joining the European Union last 

Confirming the State visit of the President to prevail will go ahead this year as planned, 
a Downing Street source told the BBC: ' has been issued and accepted the invitation.

' Memo To undo everything the visit following the visit. United States is a great ally and 
important that we need to think long term. '

However, MPs will have to cancel your trip debate of President Trump due to great response 
is meant easily 100,000 tickets needed goal to spark a debate about ideas.

Responding to the big gaps with the easy target of 100,000 members consider the debate 
about the movement in space of the Commons, with more and more people are flocking to 
sign it.

As more and more people gathered for the signing, the demand is increasing by an average 
of more than 1,000 signature minute.

Plans for the visit of the President of the country's only Trump announced on Friday when 
the woman may, revealed that he had accepted an invitation from the Queen.

The visit is scheduled for the end of this year and the full pomp and ceremony of the 

But it's been snagged after United States President appears to want to prevent Prince 
Charles because of their dispute over global warming.

Upon request, supported by Mr. Quality and Lib Dem leader Tim Farron, said that the 
President of the United States will not be invited to honour the Queen.

The movement stated: ' Donald Trump had to enter into the Kingdom of United Kingdom in 
his capacity as head of Government, but it will not be invited to make an official State visit 
that Queen can cause embarrassment to her Majesty.

' Donald Trump documented misogynistic and vulgar barrier you from being accepted by her 
Majesty the Queen or the Prince of Wales.

He said: ' State visit legitimizes his presidency and he will use the photo opportunities 
and views with the Queen to get re-elected.

' The words request pretty accurate as really said that he had come here as a head of 
Government to do business from the Government.

' At the end of the day is still the President and we can just live with it. But there is 
no reason why he should get the grandeur and visiting the State. '

Asked why he had thrown the request, Mr guest, from Leeds, said: ' nothing to make your 
life more comfortable.

' I think that the debate in Parliament to prohibit the State visit will be great as people 
will have the opportunity to express their opinions of it.

' Request is only to make so much noise as much as possible and put the focus on him and 
what people are awful. A spokesman for no 10: "the invitation extended and has received."
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