Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Thousands line streets of cities across the UK to protest against Donald Trump's immigration ban

Thousands of people have taken to the streets of the city to protest the ban on UK 
immigration day Donald Trump.

Demonstrators were out with force in London, Glasgow, Newcastle, Manchester, Birmingham
and Cardiff waving banners and in response to the decision of the President of the Muslim 
majority citizens prevention seven entering the United States for 90 days.

In London, thousands of activists gathered outside the gates of Downing Street, Whitehall 
became a sea of posters and signs.

Among a list of high-profile celebrities to appear is the pop star Lily Allen and activist 

Bianca Jagger HUMAN RIGHTS, while the party's open day presenter Gary Lineker found also
in London with children Harry and George.

The crowd that dominates the center of all the Kingdom of United Kingdom, with riot police 
who brought to keep order in London and make sure that it's not overflowing in the 

But despite the protests, Prime Minister Theresa May clear an invitation for a State visit 
of President Trump cannot be broken and reaffirmed its commitment to the ' special 
relationship '

Politics as Dianne Abbot Shadow Secretary, Shadow Attorney-General Shami Chakrabarti 
and former Labour leader Ed Miliband also went to the March in London.

Mrs Abbott told the crowd that he had come upon the Union Leader Jeremy Quality.
He said: ' Donald Trump has been President for a few days and see what you are doing.

' We must reject Islamophobia and scapegoat Muslims, we have to fight against the United 
States or here in the United Kingdom '.

Shadow Attorney-General Shami Chakrabarti told the crowd: ' grief and solidarity which we 
are gathered here this evening.

' I hope, my friends, we are here in solidarity with women around the world that the 
President is insulting the desperate refugees and all that it will be a shocker. '

Songs like ' Donald Trump has gone ' surging with the crowd swelling Whitehall, while 
others shouted ' without hatred, without fear ' and ' ban, not walls '.

Traffic ground to a stop as protesters spilled into the street.
Members of Parliament as labour leader Ed Miliband, the leader of the Green party's 
Caroline Lucas and leader of the Liberal Democrat Tim Farron also spoke at the event.

Griff Tyson, 23, from West London, said that he took a stance against ' helpers ' Teresa 
may Trump bans Muslims before.

He said: ' emergency action is to make a point of not receiving what you do.
' Maybe democracy since he was elected as the people do not have.
' Teresa may have been involved in the Act by refusing to condemn them, he is weak.
' He just got home and it does so through diplomatic channels of the imitation.
' I'm here to show solidarity with the oppressed and suffering people and surround yourself 
with like-minded people. '

The Muslim refugees, addressing the crowd, he said: ' the United States is a beacon of 
democracy and peace, but the Act of tearing the fabric of American society Trump.

"We call for all people who love peace and oppose all company actions racist and 
xenophobic. '

Metres from the door of number 10, the songs ' embarrassment in may ' began to echo 
through the crowd.

Former football Lineker United Kingdom praised the crowd after the show and wrote on 
Twitter: ' play nice ' London.

Allen also tweeted throughout the event and described the crowd as ' beautiful people '.
Downing Street until it stood firm in its decision to extend the invitation to Mr. Trump, 
saying: ' we hope to host the Presidents of this year '.

Westminster SNP leader Angus Robertson went to thousands of activists in London with 
chants of ' no State visit '.

He added: ' friends, first they came for the Muslims, but we say something and we don't say
no visits Donald Trump State '.

The militant left-wing Owen Jones, who helped organize the protest in London, said: «»
today said that the recusal, with determination, not to remain silent.

But Teresa challenge has been highlighted by the decision to issue an invitation to Donald
Trump to conduct a State visit to Britain in protest over a controversial travel ban.

' I've been issued on an invitation to visit President Trump State for the United Kingdom
and the invitation it. '

Graphic designer Sami Hayes, 23, said he joined the protest in solidarity with the Muslims,
and the United Kingdom to support the minority against whom said Trump had been
discriminated against.

He said: ' I feel sick that no one has the power to discriminate in the scale that makes.
' The human Refugees and will not be treated as such where they are.

' Although Teresa may not be anything, this demonstration as protests of Muslims in this
country that we are not against them.

' People have been attacked by Muslim when it wasn't supposed to be scared in our country.'

Fellow protester Phillip White, 22, said: ' I think is very important when your family is
Jewish, like me, to recognize that refugees still may face persecution.
' It is still suffering people and does not stop with the genocide of the Holocaust.
' We can't see to calm decision, while not affecting us directly.
' We agreed if not totally opposed to it.
"It's disgusting that we sit back and allow this to happen."

More than 700 people in Birmingham take calls from Facebook to protest against the

Victoria Plaza full of people who are expressing their opposition to the order of Trump 
bans foreign citizens entering the United States for seven.

Demonstrators also held signs aloft and they cheered speakers who put together a series of 
protests across the country urging the administrative Trump policy.

Executive order preventing citizens of Nations in majority Muslim Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, 
Somalia, Sudan and Yemen to the country.

The State Department issued yesterday said the statement would not be exposed to United 
Kingdom National with dual citizenship, but the Embassy did not explain the position of the 
Government of the United States.

Hasanian Jaffar, 29, who has a network of its own independent optical stores, organized the 
protests in Birmingham through Facebook.

He said: ' I have an idea of a similar demonstration in London. My family and I am very 
disturbed by what happened and we are looking for something similar.

"When we saw that there was a protest, setting up one soon so that we can attend one.

Posters and banners carried out in Glasgow as a crowd of about 500 people who chanted 
"hope not fear, refugees are welcome here".

The protest was organized by various groups including standing up to racism and the 
countries that have been distinguished by Mr. Trump.

Demonstrations continued in George square after a three-hour meeting at Buchanan Street, 

In Edinburgh, the crowd marched North from the bridge into the Consulate on Regent terrace.
Hundreds also facing rain and cold in Western countries to protest the ban on the 
controversial President of Trump.

There were protests in Falmouth, Cornwall, Exeter, Plymouth, Torquay, Totnes and Ashburton 
in Devon.

Exeter, protesters say: people who do not study history are doomed to repeat it.
One of the organizers of Exeter is Exeter Uni student 25 years of Malacca family living in 
Mohammad Gaza Strip.

He said that it was ' important ' people stand bullying Trump.
He said: ' we want to face Germany and the United States and other countries who are brave 
enough to speak, not like our Government and Theresa may that they had chosen to remain 
silent '.
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