Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Why Facebook wants to rewire your life

FACEBOOK founder Zuckerberg manifesto, clearly written in response to allegations in a
social network in the wake of the bitter election campaign of the United States, is a scary

document, dystopian. This shows that Facebook, launched, in Zuckerberg's words, to "expand the capacity of people to build and maintain relationships", is not to be something of an extraterritorial State led by a small, selected Government depends heavily on personal social engineering algorithms.

In 2012, Zuckerberg Facebook targeting future investors in a letter attached to the initial public offering of the company's brochure. Here is how he describes the object:
"Even if it is just with your family, or close friends made a more open culture and leads to a better understanding of life and another perspective."We believe that this creates a lot more stronger relationships between communities, and support people affected by a large number of diverse perspectives.

"Helping people form this relationship, hoping that the spread of people and consume information." We believe that the information in the world of infrastructure should be similar to the social graph, the network that was built from the ground up or peer-to-peer, rather than a monolithic and vertical structure that has existed to date.

"We also believe that giving people control over what they share is a fundamental principle of this cable".

What their beliefs are based, for the most part have failed the test of time. Instead of creating a stronger connection, Facebook has generated anxiety and addiction that is the subject of academic study of Portugal into Spain. 

Several studies have found that using Facebook was cut off from the life satisfaction of the users.

Experiment Denmark in 2015, with those who are weaned from Facebook for a week and a control group that maintains the use, showed that people in a social network are 55% more likely to feel stress; one source of that stress is the envy of the life of the glossified reported by other users. The welfare of users, research has shown, only tend to increase when they have significant interaction, such as the exchange of old messages, with people who are close to them.

In his latest manifesto, Zuckerberg used groups of raising children as an example of something that your company make true. But recent research shows that some moms use Facebook to validate the perception of themselves as good parents, couldn't get enough of the validation results in symptoms of depression.

In terms of information infrastructure "rewired", helped to prosecute people on ideological silos and feed them content that reinforces the confirmation bias.

Active Facebook created Silo with a set of algorithms that are located in the Centre, forming the news about the power users. The algorithm gives priority to showing users based in large part on how many times a user has interacted recently with posters and in the number of "like" and comment posting has won.

In other words, emphasizing the more emotional positions attract people interested-during the election campaign, recipes for bubble filter and, in addition, to expand the emotional rather than rational arguments.

Bragging in his new manifesto, Zuckerberg wrote: "in a new campaign around the world-from India and Indonesia all over Europe to the United States, have seen the candidates with Facebook the next largest and most involved usually wins."

In the Netherlands, the liberal Prime Minister Mark Rutte page has 17,527 tastes; The Fiery nationalist Geert Wilders, 

174,188. In France, the Rationalist Emmanuel Macron has 165,850 tastes, while Marine Le Pen's extreme right has 1.2 million.

Help them win is hardly something that would make Zuckerberg, a liberal, however, with the interference with algorithms in what people can see on your network, has created a powerful tool for the populist.

Zuckerberg did not fix this error and stop messing with what View people in your social network. On the other hand, the new manifesto is talking about Facebook as if a country or supranational bloc is not just a technology that enables communication.

Zuckerberg explained how Facebook group classified in "significant" and, perhaps, more of the senses. Instead of facilitating communication between people who are already part of the social support groups off-line, wanted Facebook relationships in the real world of the project. Obviously, this is a more effective way for the maintenance of competition in the Gulf.

Facebook CEO says that his team is working on artificial intelligence will be able to flag the message for offensive content, nudity, violence, hatred and pass them to a human decision.

If past experience is any indication, it will overload the human just rubber stamp the decisions made largely by the technology, which Zuckerberg admits is still not so perfect. Zuckerberg also pointed out that it allows each user to apply a filter that is provided by this technology.

Where is the line of nudity? About the violence? Graphic content? In the words bad? You decide on will be your personal settings. You will periodically be asked these questions to increase participation and thus it is not necessary to dig around to find them.

For those who do not take a decision, the default value for what will become the majority of the people in the country or region that you select, as a referendum on you. You always will be free to update Your privacy settings at any time.

The real effect will be that most users, too lazy to land with the settings, will accept the rules "in part", which even the less likely there is nothing to jar out of the comfort zone. Those who use the filters will not be much better. They will have no idea what is filtered because Facebook is a black box algorithms.

Zuckerberg puts Facebook as a global community that needs better oversight, control and shift toward the social practices of the best. This allows some democracy and the "referendum", but the company will take a final decision on the type of content that people must look based on their behavior on Facebook.

In the end, this type of social engineering affects mood and behavior of people. May result in commercial interactions or induce give cause, but also be able to get out in the real world in ways more worrisome.

It's impossible to fake the humility of the heroes of Silicon Valley. But Zuckerberg should realize that treated the way how people use Facebook, you can create a monster.

Your company on other services, Messenger and WhatsApp, it only allows the user to communicate without interference of any kind, and that the function is the source of the most controversial examples of Zuckerberg's manifesto.

"In Kenya, the entire village is in a group of WhatsApp, including their representatives," wrote Facebook's CEO. Well, so they are companions of the school my kids, and it was wonderful.

People are grateful for the tools that help them to work, study, things together – but they respond to grazing in a way that is unexpected.

"Virtual suicide the identity" is one; the trend does not appear in the reported total usage of Facebook, but that could be because many "active users" company reports that actually a bot. If you write "how to stop" in the Google search window, "how to Facebook" will become the first suggestion.

Mystery as NASA calls Wednesday press conference to announce 'major' exoplanet discovery

NASA is hosting a press conference on Wednesday to reveal ' discovery beyond our solar system '

Space Agency says the event secret, ' presents new findings on planets orbiting stars that are not the Sun, known as exoplanets '.

This raises the hope that NASA could disclose details of exoplanets is able to maintain its viability.

The event will be held on 22 February at 13:00 in New York and will be broadcast live on NASA television station and
its website.

Although NASA was not given instructions announcement, confirmed the scientist Spitzer will be present.

NASA'S Spitzer Space Telescope observed the transit of exoplanets in infrared wavelengths and has helped to develop and characterize many, including the disturbing details of the planet's atmosphere.

Spitzer is often teamed with ground telescopes, including the Warsaw ogle telescope at Las Campanas Observatory, Chile.

By 2015, a collaboration between Spitzer and Italy 3.6 meter Galileo National telescope Canary Islands revealed a rocky planet known most closely: HD 219134b, only 21 light years from Earth.

Unfortunately, however, the planet is orbiting the star too tightly to make it suitable for life.

Recently, researchers give a remarkable vision of nearby system with new exciting animation reveals the four alien world orbiting the star 129 light years.

The planets, each one of which is greater than that of Jupiter, which encircles the bright young stars located in the constellation Pegasus.

This is the result of seven years of observations at the W.M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii, giving a glimpse of the four planets draw the orbital period is almost directly proportional to others ...

The animation was created by Jason Wang, a graduate student in astronomy at the University of California, Berkeley, based on observations of four of the eight planets, dating back to 2009.

The star HR 8799, was less than 60 million a year and nearly five times brighter than the Sun, according to much of the world.

These objects have an orbital period that varies from 40 years to more than 400.

However, researchers believe that they are in resonance one two four eight one another.

This means that their individual orbital period in the proportion which is almost right for each other.

Given the time required to complete each planet's orbit, only a fragment of this journey is shown in the animation.

Astronomers find planet HR 8799 three in 2008, using the direct imaging for the first time.

The team included Christian Marois of the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics National Research Council Canada, they analyze the data, according to much of the world.

When the first pictures of the HR 8799 planetary scientists, independent team also announced a direct imaging of planets of the star Fomalhaut.

After additional observations in 2009 and 2010, the researchers found fourth planet around HR 8799.

Now using motion interpolation algorithm for plotting their orbits, and the animation shows this four stars as they made their way in HR 8799.

Previous researchers have created a similar animation of a planet orbiting the star Beta Pictoris.

According to Wang, the new technique ' allows us to use the data reduction process of artifacts that we use to consider the inconvenience best to limit planetary positions. '

To make them visible, researchers have been blocking the light from a star, causing the black circle in the Center.

Each star is more massive than Jupiter and thus to each other much.

As researchers continue to observe this system, you'll look to see if the stable, or if several planets will be issued.

Wang and the Maoris was part of a team operating in the Gemini Planet Imager the Gemini telescope, a complement to the South of Chile.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

A massive lake of molten carbon the size of Mexico is discovered under the US, and it could cause climate CHAOS

The great carbon sink that players would mean disaster for the planet if it has been found in the United States.
Scientists use seismic sensor is the world's largest weapons had taken a piece of land, 700,000 miles (1.8 million km2) in the SQ.
It is about the size of Mexico, and researchers say it has the potential to cause untold damage to the environment.

The discovery could change our understanding of the amount of carbon containing Earth, which shows more than ever

It is not possible to make physical enough to ' see ' the Earth's mantle, so the research team used sensors to a large group of paintings, using mathematical equations to interpret their results.

Studies conducted by geologists Royal Holloway University of London, using an extensive network of sensors that measure seismic vibration 583 of the Earth, to create images of the surface in the sub region.

Known as a top coat, parts of the Earth's interior is known for high temperature solid carbonates which melts, creating a pattern of a typical seismic.

What they found was a large cast of carbon buried tanks, which produce carbon dioxide and other gases, is located in the Western United States, 217 miles (350 kilometers) below the Earth's surface.

As a result of this research, published in the Earth and planetary science letters, scientists now believe that the amount of CO2 in the Earth's upper mantle can be up to 100 trillion tons.

By comparison, the United States Environmental Protection Agency estimates that global carbon emissions in the year 2011 is almost 10 trillion tons, a small number in comparison.

The carbon found in deposits will eventually make its way to the surface through volcanic eruptions and contribute to climate change, though very slowly, but the sudden release can have serious consequences.

Dr. Sash Hier-Majumder, of the University of London Department of Earth Sciences conducted the study.

He said the mail online: ' the residence time of carbon in this coat is relatively large (almost 1 billion years), so this book is not a threat. '

' But it is an important mechanism by which carbon sinks into the mantle with the subducting Ocean plate, could make their way to the surface the arc volcanism.

' Arc volcanism returned between 30-40% of the total carbon is subducted back into the atmosphere. 

The remaining carbon resides in the coat for a lot longer. '

He added: "we cannot think of the deep structure of the Earth as related to climate change on us, but this discovery not only has implications for mapping the underground but also to the future of our environment, '

' For example, the release of only one percent of CO2 in the atmosphere would be equivalent to 2.3 trillion barrels of oil to burn. '

' The existence of a deep shelter has shown how important was the role of the soil in the global carbon cycle '.

As a result of this study, scientists now believe that the amount of CO2 in the Earth's upper mantle can be up to 100 trillion tons.

By comparison, the United States Environmental Protection Agency estimates that global carbon emissions in the year 2011 is almost 10 trillion tons, a small number in comparison.

The area covered by the study include Yellowstone National Park, where previous studies have found evidence of a supervolcano that can also mean a danger to the planet.

The volcano in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming and Montana sat on the large reservoir of molten rock and they erupt 640,000 last year.

This release of about 45,000 tons of carbon dioxide per day.

If it explodes, it will become a thousand times more powerful than the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens and they have the potential of manta to United States on ' nuclear winter '.

While it remains inactive for more than 70,000 years, scientists are saying that we cannot discard the possibility of eruption that this could someday take place-though they say that the chances are very slim.

Large prismatic heat in Yellowstone National Park is among the features of hydrothermal, created by the Yellowstone supervolcano.

Experts say that there is one on the annual occasion of 700,000 volcanic eruptions at the site.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Russian scientists find MASSIVE amounts of extraterrestrial material during expedition to Iranian desert

A scientist who found the restoration of a meteorite that crashed in Russia in 2013 with spectacular results have achieved fame once again good luck.

Viktor Grokhovsky led an expedition into the desert of Lut in Iran and has now returned with a big tour of space materials.

Dry conditions and the unique landscape of the desert helped conserve things unique meteorite, which is believed to be derived from the birth of our solar system around 4.5 billion years ago.

A group of four geology of Ural Federal University was founded by the Lut desert, Dasht-e or-Lut, to search for evidence of a meteorite that fell to Earth in a ball of fire in the town of Chelyabinsk Russia in 2013.

The team, all of whom work for additional laboratory consortium Terra found 13 kilograms of Meteor-like raw material, with about 80% of the recovered samples believe that came from outer space.

It is believed that fragments have been part of a meteorite rain, at least 10 70 samples collected belong to the same type of meteorite.

The topic of the meteorite is believed to have derived from the birth of our solar system 4.5 billion years ago, but additional tests are needed to confirm this.

Professor Grokhosvky team assisted by his colleagues at the University of Kerman in Iran to the East, one of the two territories crossed by the Lut desert.

Half of the discovered fragments will remain in Iran, with the other half already in laboratory tests in Russia.

Viktor Grokhovsky is a member of the Committee of meteorites in the Russia Academy of Sciences, a network of scientific research institutions through the Federation of Russia.

Speaking to the News of Sputnik, Grokhosvky God said: ' team managed to collect a sufficient amount of material space, with the support of his colleagues in Kerman University of Iran '.

' During the fieldwork, about 13 kilograms of samples, which is considered a meteorite, found. '

' Half of the fragments found had been saved with colleague Iran; the other half has come to our test laboratory. '

"He said: ' for now the samples have been measured and incorporated into the catalogue."
' To determine the age of the fragments was discovered, scientists must consider when a fragment is formed in space, when separate from his parents, and how long it has been on Earth. '

' Based in ' isotopes can talk about age cosmology, i.e., how much the external body of the meteorite was in the form of an asteroid.

Mr. Grokhosvky previous major hit in 2013, when he led an expedition to retrieve fragments of the Meteor which exploded over the Ural mountains Russia.

This is the largest space rocks that have plagued the Earth in more than a century, with more than 1,600 people near the city of Chelyabinsk, injured by explosive shock wave-estimated as strong as 20 the Hiroshima atomic bomb.

His team found the 53 fragments of the Meteor, which acquired Chebarkul Lake ice blanket.

Nokia 3310 Gets a 2017 Update

The iPhone is in Apple's eyes sparkle, Nokia smartphone is the supplier deals with each send. For more than a decade, Nokia dominates the smartphone and feature phone market and one of the devices that strengthen its position as a leader in the mobile phone industry the Nokia 3310. It is now a Global company, HMD that manufacturer for Nokia devices, the device cool for MWC 2017 with the same design Candybar, according to Evan Blass on VentureBeat.

At first glance, the Nokia 3310 is not the kind of device that anyone interested in 2017. The original call was started in 2000 with features such as a black-and-white screen 84 × 48, games such as Snake II, calculator, stopwatch and a reminder function. 3310 can save seven custom ringtones and support SMS messages up to 459 characters. In 2017, this ' feature ' is so fundamental that they can integrate virtually in the toaster. (Please don't-Ed).

Does the phone feature make the kind of taste in 2017? I would say that it is not, in some cases, and depending on how Nokia designed the device. 

The Nokia 3310 is legendary for durability and able to survive almost any type of harassment that has a name. It would not really surprise me if NASA released some of them out of an international space station airlock and then fully functional hard he obtained from the bottom of the Atlantic a few years. 

The Nokia 3310 is a tank that is absolute.

Tricks for Nokia rolling nostalgia, form factor and capacity. 

If you want to get a higher resolution screen with Nokia's long, can also make it a little bigger, but not to the point where the phone loses legendary durability. This is a balance of interest, and we will be curious to see what extend.

Global HMD also launched some Android devices at MWC this year. 6-Nokia (5.5 inch screen, 1080 p, Snapdragon 430, 4 GB RAM), Nokia 5th (3.2 inch screen, 720 p, 430 Snapdragon and 2 GB of RAM), and a Nokia 3, devices that we don't know much, but that Nokia plans to sell for 149 euros (about $158). The company expects that the low-end device it will stimulate demand for their products, helping to return the phone enter the market after the disastrous business decisions and acquisitions Microsoft effectively kill the product line. a new 3310 will be based on what the parents 
are great, that contains the updates that are cleverly conceived and acted as a cheap cell option for people who need a solid, powerful tools with long battery life more than they need a Super Director gadget with all the bells and whistles.

YouTube star loses Disney deal over anti-Semitic stunt

New York-the makers of Studio Disney and Google's YouTube are moving away from the YouTube top star then made a joke is interpreted as anti-Semitic Nazi imagery and posted in the video.

Felix Kjellberg, known online as PewDiePie, has the most popular YouTube channel, with more than 53 million customers. 

Sweden YouTube star shot to fame by posting a video of her playing and commenting on a video game. Recently, he branched out on video games without doing a parody, tricks or make jokes.

Disney, makers of study that operates a network of channels and Kjellberg, said he crossed the line with a couple of their videos. January video shows two people in India paid by Kjellberg for holding a sign saying "death to all Jews." 

Kjellberg said the video was intended to show the point of what people go if they get paid to do something, but he did not think that it will actually do it. Another video showed images of Nazism was satire.

In Kjellberg blog says it is making jokes, but realize that they are offensive.

Kjellberg channel is already part of the maker of the Studios, the Walt Disney Co. bought the manufacturer in 2014 at $675 million. Individual contracts with producers as Kjellberg to produce videos for some of the YouTube channels.

Kjellberg shot the video where two men who watched sign of anti-Semitic but extracted on video from the Wall Street Journal. Other videos on the site are the pictures of the Nazis used satirically.

The maker of the Studios said in a statement that while the popular channels Kjellberg because of provocative and irreverent, learning ends with affiliation with him because he was going too far.

A YouTube spokeswoman Michelle Slavich said YouTube has canceled the release of the second season of the reality show Kjellberg "PewDiePie scare" and Your favorite programs channels Google ads that aggregate higher YouTube content that advertisers buy time on PewDiePie.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Astronomers find SIXTY new planets orbiting stars near our solar system - and say some 'could be like Earth'

In the search for life beyond Earth, researchers have discovered a new planet orbiting the star 60 near our solar system.

Among the new planets are hot ' Super Earth ', called Gliese 411b, has a rocky surface, located in a star system closest to the Sun.

The researchers say that this planet shows that ' almost all ' nearest star from the Sun have planets orbiting them, and some of them can be like ' Earth. '

This discovery was made by an international team of researchers, led by the University of Hertfordshire.

Along with the new planet 60, the researchers found evidence of more than 54 other planets, bringing the total number of the potential new world to 114.

Results based on observation of individual stars almost 61,000 1,600 taken over a period of 20 years by astronomers from the United States to use the Keck telescope in Hawaii.

This statement is part of a survey of extrasolar planets from the lick-Carnegie, launched in 1996 by Steve Vogt and astronomer Geoffrey Marcy of the University of California and Paul Butler, Carnegie Institute of science, in Washington.

Dr. Mikko Tuomi, who led the study, said: "it is interesting to think that when we look at the nearest stars, they all seem to have planets orbiting them."

' This is something that astronomers are not sure over, even as little as five years ago.

' This new Planet also help us to better understand the process of the formation of planetary systems and provides an attractive target for future efforts of planet images directly. '

Dr. Butler has added: ' the paper version and this data are one of my achievements as astronomer coronation.

' This is the good part of my life and work. '
Documents from the Group has been accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal.

The team hopes the decision will lead to a wave of new science, astronomers in the world combining the employee data 

with observations that exist on their own, or mount a new campaign record to follow up on potential signals.

The catalog is part of a growing trend in the Exoplanet science to expand the public space and the discovery, which came in part to deal with the consequences of the follow-up to the findings of NASA'S Kepler mission and K2.

"I think that this article sets a precedent on how communities can collaborate in the detection of exoplanets and follow-up", said Johanna Teske Observatory and the Department of terrestrial magnetism of the Carnegie team.

' With the Mission of TESS on the horizon, NASA expected 1000 + can detect planets orbiting bright stars, the extrasolar planet near scientists will soon have a new group of planet tracking '.

' The best way to make progress in the field and further our understanding of what the planet is made of is to utilize the capabilities of the various instruments of precision radial velocity and deploy in concert, ' says Jennifer Burt MIT team members.

"But it will require some major team to break with tradition and begin serious cooperation effort of leaders."

Monday, February 13, 2017

Cisco and Microsoft up hybrid cloud game with new joint solution

Cisco is working with Microsoft and Cisco solution portfolio expands Unified computing system (UCS Cisco) offers Microsoft Azure on Cisco UCS.

This is done through an integrated and validated system that allows your organization to offer the Microsoft Azure Services your local data center.

Liz Centoni, senior VP and general manager at Cisco Systems, the computer products group, said that the two companies come together to offer a hybrid cloud solution built on Microsoft Azure power and UCS.

"Through the joint efforts of the techniques, developers and administrators have a solution is easy to deploy, manage, API and scale," he explained.
Key benefits of Azure in Cisco UCS include accelerated growth and innovation, high performance and simplified network management.

Mike Neil, Corporate Vice President, infrastructure management and Azure, Microsoft Corporation, Microsoft, and Cisco have shown innovative technology partner and dependable, giving customers the confidence of their it environment can be backed up and safe, he said.

"Microsoft Azure stack provides applications and services, the application programming InterfacAPI) is compatible with the public cloud blue, allowing developers to do their best work while giving them the ability to deploy their applications on the host, public or private clouds,", explains.

Integrated Cisco systems for Cisco approach strengthens the blue stack full of clouds, said companies that offer customers the freedom to choose the best environment and consumption models for traditional and cloud applications their native.

Cisco sacrifices iron pushes gateway protection into cloud

Cisco decided that the perimeter of a network is the place for Web portals, a mistake to float in the clouds ...

Switchzilla, resulting in the inevitable damage to the software product, the disdain that flow on runway hardware like imprecise and insecure as part of the launch of their new product "Umbrella".

Like a cloud based on secure internet gateway (SIG), Protocol for the most comprehensive coverage and an umbrella "to current and emerging from all threats. It blocks access to malicious domains, URLs, IPs, and files before ever construct a connection or download file ".

It was, said Cisco, distinguish the perimeter because umbrellas typical Web proxy inspection (to quote from the company's white paper download with registration) "only gives insight on web Ports 80 and 443-based threats" and not take things as malware command-and-control from callbacks.

The umbrella is, basically, the Cisco site protection software that integrates with the acquisition of application level OpenDNS 2015.

There are two problems which points community as a product at the company: the company does not "trombone" traffic from branch office to Headquarters for Internet access; and people who work a lot may not be a VPN to the Office of the Centre for Internet access.

Therefore this case, Cisco recognizes obscures the entrance is the answer. Not the users suffer performance penalties by sending traffic through the headquarters, the umbrella Security Service decentralization they need.

This is a list of checkboxes that Cisco provides umbrella:
  • The visibility and applications inside and outside the corporate network, even when the VPN  users and backhauling traffic to all networks company;"
  •  Protection against threats from all ports and protocols;
  • Based on the examination of proxy traffic controls and web files with AV engines and behavioral sandboxing;"
  • Live threat intelligence to global internet activity in real time, with updates being met everywhere in a matter of minutes;
  • The Platform is opened with a two-way API to integrate with your existing security stack;  and 
  • Discovery and control applications of SaaS.

The discovery of SaaS delivered by integration with Cisco platform CloudLock.

To make the use of pain-free for the user, the umbrella using Anycast routing: "every data center announced the same IP address that sends a request for transparency for the fastest available with automatic failover to maintain 100 percent uptime."

Not to mention that it's much easier to direct the user through a security system through the DNS handles that ask them to remember the click on VPN application before being connected.

Cisco product announcements here, and there is a blog on the umbrella here.

Of course, if operating in the cloud software, it is much easier to troubleshoot product-level chip, but that's another story possible.

Four-in-one 'miracle' pill to cure high blood pressure

A combination of four drugs for blood pressure in one pill can be twice as effective as existing treatments, researchers have found.

In the trial progresses, each patient received saw four-in-one ' quadpill ' blood pressure dropped at a healthy level in a month.

And because each drug is included in much lower doses than conventional tablets, experts believe that the combined medicine will minimize the side effects.

A small pilot trial results, published in the Lancet medical journal last night, could offer a new approach to the hundreds of thousands of people in the United Kingdom take the pills daily for blood pressure.

High blood pressure or hypertension affects more than British 17million, or adult in three.

The condition greatly increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and vascular dementia, but because it has no symptoms until it is too late often, only half of the people know that they are at risk.

Of those who have been diagnosed, hundreds of thousands taking the pill daily to control blood pressure. But they usually have a single drug--and only about half of patients saw their blood pressure drops to a healthy level.

The new study is a success rate of 100 percent. However, researchers from the Institute at the University of Sydney

George highlighting that only 18 patients participating in the trial. Further research is needed to see if the results can be repeated, they said, but preliminary findings are very interesting.

Author Research Professor Clara Chow says: ' most people receive medication with a dose of normal blood pressure control but only about half the time. In this test a small, control of blood pressure is attained for all. The trials will test now if it can be repeated and ongoing long term. '

An important step in the decline of the disease

This research involves giving patients a single dose capsules containing a quarter of each of four common drugs for blood pressure-irbesartan, hydrochlorothiazide, amlodipine and atenolol.

Researchers believe that a reduction in the dose of the drug reduced the risk of any side effects, which can include swelling in the ankle and kidney abnormalities.

Although the each lower dose of the drug, a combination of increasing their impact.

Professor Chow says: "minimizing the side effects is important for long term care, we see no problem in this essay, as you would expect with a very low dose of therapy, but this is an area where more long-term research is required.

"This could be a very important step to help reduce the burden of disease around the world." Professor Metin Avkiran, associate medical director of the heart Foundation United Kingdom, says: ' high blood pressure is a risk factor for stroke and heart attack.

' Despite encouraging results and can lead to effective treatment without the side effects ... more research is needed to ensure the security of the quad pill, long term effects on blood pressure and, in the end, if it reduces the risk of someone having an accident, stroke or heart attack before it should be considered in the clinic.

' Because the majority of people with high blood pressure have no symptoms, the majority of the battle is to identify who owns it. If you are interested, please talk to your family doctor. "

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Margaret Chan on the zika: 'We have to prepare ourselves for a long journey'

In February of last year, the Director-General of who stated that outbreak of virus disease of Zika which was spreading along the Americas constituted a public health emergency of-of international importance. A year later, the international spread has persisted, although it has improved surveillance. WHO has established a mechanism for the whole of the Organization to provide advice on interventions and support to families, communities, and countries affected by the virus.

The full text of the commentary of Dr. Margaret Chan:

February 1, 2016, I stated that outbreak of virus disease of Zika which was spreading along the Americas constituted a public health emergency of international importance. It was not an easy decision, but, looking back, it was the right decision.

At that time, actual disease, which long had been minimized to consider a mysterious medical curiosity, could hardly have been described as something "extraordinary", which is the essential requirement to declare an international health emergency. In the decades after its discovery in Uganda, in 1947, and his appearance in the Americas, a few human cases of disease only had been reported by the Zika virus.

18 international experts who advised me on the Emergency Committee about the Zika virus had some additional data but were not conclusive. In 2007, Zika virus came out of its original territory and caused the first outbreak on the island of Yap, in the Western Pacific Ocean. The outbreak was surprised, but ultimately it was reassuring. While nearly three-quarters of the population were infected by the Zika virus, only about 1000 people showed symptoms of illness attributable to the virus. There was not to be admitted to any patient and the outbreak became extinct after only three months.

The next surprise was even more disturbing. The capacity of virus Zika to trigger outbreaks came again demonstrated 2013 to 2014 in French Polynesia, where it is estimated that it caused a 30 000 cases of the disease. Even though all of them were mild, it surprised the doctors increased worrying cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome, a neurological complication generally uncommon and serious. It was just a coincidence or was something more worrying?

In early 2016, almost everyone had seen the heartbreaking images of the newly born Brazilians, tiny little heads and had been able to hear the tragic stories of the capsizing of the grim prospects that were foreseen for the babies and their mothers. The possibility that the bite of a mosquito during pregnancy could cause such serious neurological damage in infants greatly opened to the public, and surprised scientists, who wondered: why precisely now and only in the Brazil?

At the time also were registered in Brazil major outbreaks of dengue and chikungunya. Perhaps the virus interacted in some way, by amplifying the effects, and damaging to the fetus? Was in part an agent of the environment of the North-East of the Brazil, the epicenter of the outbreak, for example, a chemical or a toxin responsible for? Nobody had a conclusive answer.

Fortunately, experts of the Emergency Committee had at its disposal new data. In an elegant example of detective work, a retrospective of the outbreak in French Polynesia investigation brought to light some findings that strongly suggested the existence of a link between infection by the Zika virus during pregnancy and the birth of children with microcephaly. Already it was not something exclusively characteristic of the Brazil.

A year ago, when I declared the international health emergency, it was this alleged link between infection by Zika virus and microcephaly and other neurological complications that, according to my advisers, made the outbreak an "extraordinary" event.

The Zika was also serving other two criteria of interest to declare a public health emergency of international importance. As few people were immunized against polio before uncommon, the virus could spread rapidly and without control, aided by the abundance of international flights. Any area that could accommodate the transmitting mosquito species (Aedes aegypti) were considered exposed, covering almost half of the world's population. Given the number of people at risk and the few control tools available, the outbreak required clearly a coordinated international response.

As it is the case whenever an explosive outbreak is declared, on the Zika emphasized collective preparation failures worldwide. One was the lack of access to family planning services. Another, the dismantling of national mosquito control programs.

A year later, what is the situation? The international spread has persisted, although it has improved surveillance. 

Some 70 countries and territories of the Americas, Africa, Asia and the Western Pacific have reported cases from 2015. 

The documented consequences for the newborn already include a long list called "congenital syndrome by Zika virus". We know that the virus can be transmitted STDs, a reason more to recommend that women at reproductive age adopt precautions.

In regards to the prevention, may not take much to have a weapon. In line with the recommendations of who, in several countries, pilot testing of innovative mosquito control approaches are being conducted, and the results are encouraging. 

Some 40 candidate vaccines are in the study. While some are already in the testing phase, you can that 2020 is not available a vaccine that is considered safe enough for use in reproductive-age women by, and that has obtained all authorizations.

In November 2016, I revoqué the Declaration of a public health emergency of international concern regarding the Zika virus, again on the advice of the Committee of experts. Also, it was a correct decision. At that time the research had already elucidated many aspects making nine months before disease something "extraordinary". Remained some uncertainties, but many key issues already had the response.

The virus is now firmly stationed in many parts of the world. WHO and the countries concerned should not handle the infection by Zika virus as if it were an emergency, but sustained, the same way that we respond to other pathogenic epidemiogenos firmly in place, as the dengue and chikungunya, which come and go in periodic waves of infection.

That is why who has established a mechanism for the whole of the Organization to provide advice on interventions and support to families, communities, and countries affected by the Zika virus. For the research community, who specified the priority areas in which are urgently needed knowledge.

The journey is long, and we have to do it together. The strategic planning of the who and its commitment to collaborate with partners in the realization of sustained research and interventions will contribute greatly to prepare the world for this difficult and even painful effort.

Asbestos scare for Royal Hobart Hosptial redevelopment workers

AN administrative error has been blamed for the loss of positive tests for asbestos at the site of the construction of the Royal Hobart Hospital asbestos audits as requested the registry updated.

Director project development RHH Ben Moloney says he suggested Thursday the potential asbestos exposure to 14 employees in the area of E-block, which contains its administrative office.

He said the work in progress in the area of the region, not patients or staff isolated construction.

Before starting work, the area has been checked by an independent hygiene and no identified source of asbestos, said Mr Moloney.

Manager John Holland joint venture contractor Fairbrother was informed and gave approval for the work to proceed.

"However, it seems that, due to an administrative error, the result was positive for asbestos from previous research in the same area not identified by hygiene," said Mr Moloney.

"We acted immediately to ensure that our security procedures strictly. A proper cleanup in the area of development has been completed. "

Mr. Moloney said the presence of asbestos in the hospital is notable, therefore the project team using rigorous management of asbestos.

"It is very important that workers are potentially exposed to offer support, along with a detailed report of the incident, and this has been instigated by the general contractor," said.

The redevelopment of the hospital $689 million has been plagued by the problem of asbestos which, together with the discovery of mold, has caused major delays.

In March last year, asbestos and mold found in two blocks of renovation, improving the health and safety issues.

A spokesman for health Rebecca White today called for a new audit of asbestos from the records of the hospital.

"In addition, [Secretary of health Michael] Ferguson must immediately explain how the procedure tests initially came back negative results may have been badly botched job," he said.

Construction, forestry, mining and Energy Union Organizer Kevin Harkins says he's not surprised the last asbestos scare.

Baby overdoses on methadone, grandmother charged: police

The 1-year-old boy is in critical condition after an overdose of methadone Friday, suggest CBS advertisements.

Maryland Department of child protection services is called the Office of Sheriff of Condado Calvert to get information about a child who seems to have been poisoned.

Detectives learned that on 9 February, a mother to a child 1 year Calvert Memorial Hospital. The investigation determined that she had previously been a child in the care of mothers in her Lusby home. Shortly after the mother chooses the baby until he appears to be non-responsive and it shows signs of being poisoned.

He immediately ran to the boy to the emergency room. Medical staff started to treat children with multiple doses of naloxone allotment. Children's Medial Center was moved to Georgetown University for further evaluation.

It was determined that the child is suffering from an overdose of methadone. He was treated for an overdose and it is regulated by respiratory and heart problems. Medical staff appeared in children in a State of critical, acute.

Based on the investigation of the grandmother, in this case, has been arrested and charged on a warrant for first-degree child abuse, first-degree assault and distribution of a controlled dangerous substance.

Suppression of IVF: health authorities help fertile in cancer treatment and HIV to start a family under a controversial new plan to save you money

IVF treatment could be limited to patients with cancer and suffer from HIV who become infertile if controversial new plans forward.

In the light of the financial crisis in the NHS, Richmond GCC proposes to change the policies that will be able to undergo fertility treatment.

It has been argued that it was necessary to make the £ 13million in savings in the next year, with the first is IVF services must be reduced.

And now he is considering banning women infertile to have children unless they have been affected by a chronic virus or chemotherapy.

But experts are worried that if the plan went ahead start-up clinic the other group (the control local health funds) across the country follow his example and prevent many women from his family's dream.

Some critics also argue that the people who will have access could face lower life expectancy, leaving children without parents to potentially grow.

Consultant gynecologist and fertility specialist Dr. Luciano Nardo warns such a drastic limit recently was ' short-sighted ' and ' destroy ' to each of the affected couples.

Dr. Nardo, Director of reproductive health clinic group of Cheshire, said: ' I was very surprised by this proposal for CCG from Richmond.

' And what really shocks me is that patients are being identified for potential treatment group where life expectancy is a problem because of their health problems, which bring into play all sorts of questions about the welfare of their children's future.

' Pieces have been deep and the situation has become a particular postcode lottery. And it is having a real impact on people who are looking to start a family.

' Limiting the availability of IVF in the way GCC Richmond proposes not only short-sighted, but it was devastating for couples desperate to achieve their dream of having children.

"Infertility is recognized as a disease and should be treated as such."

Today, in vitro fertilization is only offered on the NHS if the criteria are met. Patients who are not required to pay for private treatment.

In 2013, the NICE fertility guidelines published recently about who has access to treatment in the United Kingdom and Wales.

However, individual final decision CCGs can access them in your area, and the criteria which may be more stringent.

And now propose the GCC Richmond, who is responsible for the funding of 28 GP practice in the area of Twickenham, to change the policy about who can undergo fertility treatment.

In the new proposal, the local community has registered to choose between two options.

One of the means that there will be no change in the existing guidelines, with 39 women or which meet the criteria for continuing to offer fresh and frozen cycle.

But the latter only they become infertile from chemotherapy or chronic viral infections.

However, in exceptional circumstances to say that it would consider individual requests for funding of GPs that I think is worthy of one patient in particular.

It also is asking the community if there are other specific circumstances that must be considered.

Dr. Graham Lewis, Chairman of the GCC, said: ' we are facing the most difficult financial challenges we haven't.

' Does not have enough money for everything you want to do for the people who live in the city of Richmond.

' We have to prioritize and make tough decisions, such as what level of IVF should continue to be funded, to guarantee the future of the local health service the NHS for all.

' Even though we know that the number of people affected by the change in policy will go down also realized that

infertility is an area of great concern for those affected by it.

We need to understand that point of view and they need people who use IVF services so if you haven't done so already, please read our consultation document and fill out our survey.

This news comes just weeks after three health Trusts the drastic tightening of rules in hopes of operation by one-fifth and save £ 2 million per year.

Patients from knee or hip replacement will be rejected unless the pain is so severe that they could not sleep all night.

Proposals were drawn up jointly by South Worcestershire Bromsgrove, Redditch, and Wyre Forest to install a clinical groups-three local health Trust in the West Midlands

While the NHS was ordered in November to consider the controversial confront people with HIV, which means hundreds of people with rare diseases could miss out on vital treatment.

Children with cystic fibrosis, children who are deaf and people with an amputation can now be denied a range of new provisions

Having both ovaries taken out during a hysterectomy nearly doubles the risk of death in middle age, study says

The woman who almost doubled the risk of death in the middle ages to choose to have both ovaries during a hysterectomy, according to a new study published in the British Medical Journal.

Approximately 3,600 women have two healthy ovaries removed each year to protect against the risk of ovarian cancer.

But scientists at the University of Warwick have concluded this benefit is ' date time ' by the increased danger of developing heart disease or cancer that comes with removing both ovaries.

They arrived at this conclusion after studying what happens to a woman's premenopausal British 114.000 in ten years after a hysterectomy.

Those who have both ovaries removed is twice as likely to die of cancer or heart disease as those who have one or it is left intact.

The lead author, Richard Lilford said last night that a hormone produced by the ovaries may have a strong protective effect on women's health.

He added: ' there is good evidence that estrogen protects against heart disease, while there is some evidence of progesterone hormone replacement therapy protects against colon cancer '.

When both ovaries removed, they sink these hormone levels, increasing the risk of heart disease and cancer.

This study offers a difficult choice for those whose family history increases the risk of ovarian cancer.

Kath Pinder, the charity target ovarian cancer, said the withdrawal "may be the only option" to prevent the disease, which kills more than 4,000 women in Britain each year.

On land and in space, IoT networks can now cover the planet

The idea of IoT is to connect to other things, including devices from data center or equipment maintenance company. For companies that have things of the world, vendors and service providers are starting to see the picture.

On this month's Mobile World Congress, Nokia will present what they call the wings (NET world IoT), global infrastructure may include some virtual private network and carrier, and the satellite system, depending on what the company needed to connect and how he intends to use the data collected.

"A global company that can really do what they think is their own virtual network for global connectivity for the device IoT," said Phil Twist, Vice President of mobile networks for marketing and communications, in a report this week. The wings will be commercially available in the second half of this year.

[8 tips to build a profitable network of IoT sensor]

Nokia announces wing Friday, just days after the Inmarsat started talking about her own foray into the global Internet.

The operator of a satellite network that connects the noble LoRaWAN-saving electricity, licensed with a fleet of spacecraft around the world. Real use cases for this configuration, including the tracking of cattle in Australia and water control at a remote plantation in Malaysia, suggestions about what is possible with this combination.

The WING is a wider view managed services which may include low power networks, cellular, Wi-Fi infrastructure and cable and satellite. Do not rely on Nokia hardware so it can work in networks built by suppliers which they compete.

The practical Nokia can chain a series of network service provider or a multinational company.

Companies can use the wings will be connected by a network of car or freight container while moving around the world, which automatically manages to waive their mobile satellite and other networks when they come in range, says Nokia.

The impact of the IoT Nokia platform will manage all devices and subscriptions to various service providers. You can use the eSIMs, a form that is defined by the customer's identity module software on your phone to change the device from other carriers as they move across the border ...

The impact also analyzed data from device IoT, especially for operations as a safety and optimize the customer experience, but also for vertical applications. Vertical markets will focus on energy, health care, public safety, transportation and automotive industries, in addition to the intelligent city. Includes impact analysis platform for streaming video, is designed for such things as tracking traffic patterns.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Microsoft Confirms That it Will be Adding Cisco UCS to short list of Servers That will run Azure Stack

Cisco Systems Inc., the networking giant, today announced that it has partnered with Microsoft to offer heaps of blue in the unified computing system. Hoping to make a mark in the hybrid clouds, approved the integrated Cisco UCS will allow Microsoft Azure offers customers from the local server.

Blue stack is a lot of technology that Microsoft designed for customers and partners to run their own private data center. Including experience and programming interface that Microsoft Azure cloud offering through open themselves.

Network leaders in California said that the new arrangement with Microsoft will allow the company to develop and modernize their application in a hybrid cloud environment is very versatile and flexible.

As traditional business transition graduated from the local data centers to more cost-effective, customized open cloud solutions, cloud hybrid attracts customers who want the best of both worlds.

Liz Centoni, senior VP and general manager, Informatics, Cisco Systems product group said; "Cisco and Microsoft come together to offer a hybrid cloud solution built on Microsoft Azure UCS strength." '' Through our joint engineering efforts, developers and managers are easy to deploy, manage, and scale.

In December, his final report on Cisco Rp 1 trillion, Intercloud, public cloud platform by explaining that it was moving its focus to help other companies to create and manage their hybrid making is infrastructure. Cisco joined with several organizations such as the Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co. and VMware Inc. who focuses on hybrid cloud platform space fell to their and the public cloud providers have partnered with pioneering Amazon.com Inc. and Microsoft.

In addition, the two companies said that the integrated system from Cisco to Azure will be accessible within the framework of the time Q3-Q4, 2017. Microsoft officials said last year that a pile of blue have been suspended from 2016 in mid-2017.

Microsoft officials also said that customers could eventually have the ability to run Microsoft Azure stack on the hardware you currently have, which some users saying that it would encourage saving as. However, Microsoft executives have not mentioned yet that this is the definitive or given period for when that happens.

French businessman sues Uber for unmasking his mistress

People say once connected to telephone his spouse über, but despite using the logout function, the application continues to send their version.

Good: adulterous Businessman in Southern France is seeking compensation of up to 45 billion euros (about $48 million) from Uber discovery walk your partner out of marriage, lawyers and reports said Friday.

Male, enchanting Riviera South Beach in the area, said that once connected to the foot of applying by phone calls from your spouse to apply drivers.

Although using the logout function, the application continues to send updates to them later, reveal their travel history and arouses suspicion about her lover, telling the newspaper Le Figaro. The couple has since divorced.

"My client is the victim of an error in the application," his lawyer David Darmon told AFP when the case appeared in court in Grasse in southeastern France.

"There is a function to disconnect but not the session is disconnected and the mistake has caused problems in his personal life," said Darmon.

He refused to comment on claims in Le Figaro that he is seeking damages of EUR 45 million, saying only that his client "wants to remain unobtrusive and preserve his anonymity."

The newspaper said that the Uber software failure case in point and this has been experienced by other users.

Über told AFP in a statement that did not comment on the case, but it might be the best protection of personal data the customer is the priority

Pro Planned Parenthood rally at Duncan Plaza draws more than 200

More than 200 authors from Planned Parenthood meet up in Duncan Plaza near City Hall New Orleans Friday afternoon (February 10) to support the financing of the Organization, which operates a $4.5 million, an 8,000-square-foot clinic on South Claiborne Avenue.

Some protesters against the right to abortion were also present to denounce family planning, a list of references to abortion in the service menu at New Orleans clinic website.

Ashley Robins, 28, an employee of a restaurant and a political activist who organized the event, said that the rally was conceived by the citizens of New Orleans, not the Organization Planned

Parenthood. A calendar rally intended to stage the protest against abortion that he believes that this clinic is intended for Claiborne Avenue on Saturday morning, he said.

"Basically we have chosen to come in front of the Town Hall because we want that Board members and all stakeholders to see our number, (listen to) sound and we know that New Orleans is a very pro-choice," said Robins. "We don't want (protesters against abortion on Saturday) became more powerful than us."

The audience mostly women, some using symbolic clothing pink, others carrying signs made by hand, who sat in the shade on a small hill on the edge of the square Duncan as the Robins and Planned Parenthood representative Pamela Steeg and Patrice Sams-Aitana speak.

Meanwhile, a small group of anti-abortion protesters distributed near the Park's entrance, with a stop sign on its own.

Some hill climbing small groups Planned Parenthood Pro. A strange game that occurs as the perpetrator's father provided pro sought, whenever possible, to remove the protesters with their own brand.

Protesters of the Anti-Abortion is Sue Meyer, who describes himself as a proud partner and mother.

Meyer what every Government stopped funding family planning, arguing that the dollar that can be used to finance other clinics not associated with abortion.

"Abortion is not health care," Meyer said.

Joanne Moulton, the 75-year-old retired nurse standing behind the crowd, was the opposite opinion. Moulton, who calls herself a radical life, stalwartly supports family planning.

"We have a right to good health," said, "I want to determine my health and I want that my daughters and their friends are deciding Your health care, not a lot of politicians."

2016 December 12 article in the Washington Post reported that Congress could soon cut more than half a billion dollars in federal funds for family planning.

"Strengthened by the joint supervision of the Republican Congress and the White House for the first time since 2006, anti-abortion activists see a historic opportunity to ban a specific procedure and may reverse the Roe v. Wade Supreme

Court decision legalizing abortion Nationwide over the past four decades," according to the report.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Why meteor can make you hum the hair and the rustle of clothes: researchers said light from the fireballs can create strange noises as they crash to Earth

Observers from the sky onto the thread of the year reported hearing a strange burst, whistles and rustling sounds almost instantly when a Meteor passed.

 While it may seem remarkable that the flight of fireball that would generate sounds, these objects are about 60 miles when they can be seen from the ground, and the vote should take a few minutes to the journey.

Now, researchers have found that light pulses of light can make sounds that sound very far away from the "dielectric"

Heating of source-including clothing, bedding, and even curly hair.

Scientists have long been intrigued by the mysterious voice that sounds "at the same time as the arrival of light for Meteora", researchers in an article published in the scientific report.

"This vote can be linked to the spread of the upper atmosphere directly on the acoustic travel time will be a few minutes."

Vote, then, must be the result of electromagnetic energy that a Meteor go through miles of Viewer and converted into sound waves, the authors explain.

 These objects are known to issue light pulses are very bright.
Meteor fireball network recorded by the Czech Republic in 2014, for example, is 10 times brighter than the full moon.And that's about as hot as the Sun.

In the study, researchers say the temperature change associated with a meteor event could be at the origin of this strange phenomenon.

"We recommend that each pulse of light can heat the surface of the dielectric sensor nature", the authors wrote.

' The surface heat quickly and cause the heat in the surrounding air, generating pressure

"A series of waves of light pulses-produced pressure may then manifest as sound to an observer."

Transducer dielectric which is all around us, and the researchers found that dark matter would have the best properties to facilitate the phenomenon.

The team has tested several candidates, including Dark paint, hair, leaves, grass and dark clothing.

In their configuration, the researchers placed the white light LED matrix, examples of scientific and laboratory values microphone inside plastic domes in anechoic chamber.

Outside the dome, they have used a signal generator and linear amplifiers to drive the LED Spectrum Analyzer and to record the signal from a microphone, they explained in the document.

The experiment revealed that this material as much as possible, in fact, produces the photoacoustique sound.

The researchers say their findings are consistent with the testimony of the sounds associated with fireballs and suggested that, in good shape, someone in a quiet neighborhood could hear a strange sound bright Meteors.

And, people with curly hair can benefit.

"It is important that people with curly hair are reported as more likely to hear the sound of simultaneous meteor", wrote the researchers.

"Intuitively, curly hair should transducer is good for two reasons. Hair near ears will create a local sound pressure, is likely to be heard.

"In addition, the hair has a high surface to volume ratio which maximize sounds of creation."

2018 Dodge Durango SRT is the muscle car of SUVs

The new Durango SRT 2018 is supported by hp 475 6.4 liter Hemi V8 along with the Dodge Challenger. Like a muscle car, Durango all-wheel-drive can accelerate from 0-60 mph in 4.4 seconds and the quarter mile in 12.3 sec.

Style with wide-body aircraft and hoods similar to those used by hp 707 Dodge Charger Hellcat, Durango SRT is so hot that it comes with a voucher for a day for the Bob Bondurant driving school where you can learn how to tweak the most of it. But very sporty SUV still offers many utilities with a score of 8 600 pounds of towing, which is the highest among the three SUVS and many lines on the full-size pick-up.


Durango SRT also got a set of high performance Tinted brakes to help keep speed in check, stiff suspension with Adaptive shock absorbers controlled by computer for more convenience and a mix of rolling manipulation in the bucket seats (even in the background) to keep you in place in turn and shifter in the form of a fat t for his 8-speed automatic because it just feels right.

The new digital dashboard includes indicators of the speed of 180 mph, although Dodge does not yet confirmed top speed of SRT Durango. The price has not been announced, either, but the engine similarly Grand Jeep Cherokee SRT start at around $68 000, pictures of the next SRT Durango is in this range when it hits showrooms later this year.

Facebook extends bereavement policy

Facebook has expanded family leave paid bereavement and will provide up to six weeks to care for a sick family member, Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg said.

In a statement that combined personal and professional, Sandberg, who lost her husband Dave Goldberg in 2015, advocating public policies that make it easier for people to "take care of their children and for ageing parents and family to cry and heal after the loss.

Sandberg, who announced the transition to the Conference from the Builder to Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif., wrote in a Facebook post:

"In the midst of a nightmare of death Dave when I my kids more needed before, I am thankful every day to work for a company that offers flexibility and leaving the morning." It takes me a second to start my recovery. »

The extension came as several Silicon Valley companies are struggling to offer benefits to their employees.

New Facebook provides bereavement policy employees 20 days paid holiday cry for immediate family members and up to 10 days to cry for family members.

Employees will also be able to take up to six weeks of paid leave to care for ailing brother, and three days of paid leave to help a family member who suffers from the disease of short duration, as a child with the flu.

Family leave may be taken every 12 months.

Only 60% of workers in the private sector in the United States down time is paid after the death of a loved one, according to the Labor Department.

"People should be able both to work and to be there for their families. No one should face this compromise, "he writes.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Star twice as heavy as the sun is being ripped apart by a supermassive black hole

The stars twice as heavy as our Sun has undergone a long, slow, death will be torn apart and eaten by a giant black hole in ten years.

According to the researchers, the event took place more than 10 times longer than any other known as events.
Comics coming out frenzy still takes place in the Galaxy 1.8 billion light years from Earth, astronomers say that supermassive black holes grow in an "unusually high".

Researchers have detected unusual objects that use data from the Chandra x-ray Observatory and NASA'S Swift satellite, as well as ESA PARTAIKU.

Observations revealed evidence of "tidal disruption event" (EFT), in which the black hole's gravitational waves of troops, destroying objects that come too close.

The debris is then projected outward at high velocity, while the rest fell into the black hole.

The surrounding material heats up to a few million degrees, as it moves towards the black hole, creating a beacon above the x-rays.

"We are witness to the spectacular and prolonged loss of a star," said Lin Dacheng University New Hampshire.

"Dozens of tidal disruption event has been detected sings of the 1990s, but there is nothing to live for almost like this one."

In this particular case, the brightness extends over time, for more than 10 years of extraordinary length.

According to the researchers, this means it is one of the most massive stars ever to be ripped out in transparent data encryption or in the first case in which a small star really is torn apart.

First of all, the source of x rays which contains a black hole, named XJ1500 + 0154, detected in observations of PARTAIKU on July 23, 2005.

He then reaches maximum brightness in the observation of Chandra, June 5, 2008-and it's at least 100 times more light to x-ray.

This object is located in the centre of its Galaxy, where researchers will usually expect to find a supermassive black hole.

And the data shows the influence of the material around the black hole is constantly exceeded, Eddington.

"For most of our time looking at these objects, has experienced rapid growth," said co-author James Guillochon Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

"This tells us that something unusual, like a star two times heavier than the sun-baked into a black hole."

The researchers said new understood that supermassive black holes can grow beyond the Eddington limit could help explain a number of cosmic mysteries, such as the way in which objects that can reach out to the masses about a billion times more than the Sun when the universe was still young.

"This event shows that black holes can actually develop with unusually high prices," said co-author Stefanie Komossa QianNan Normal University for the nation.

'This can help you understand how the early black holes came to be. '

The team expects that the food supply of the black hole will decrease over the next decade, causing XJ1500 + 0154 low light intensity of x-rays.

The incredible animation that shows four alien worlds orbiting a star 129 light years away

Animated hypnotize reveal four world outer space orbiting a star light 129.

The planets, each larger than Jupiter, circling a young star in the constellation Pegasus.
It comes as the result of seven years of observations at the W.M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii, gives an interesting picture of the four planets orbital period in a relationship that is almost right with the other.

The animation was created by Jason Wang, a graduate student in astronomy at the University of California, Berkeley, based on observations of four of the eight planets, dating back to 2009.

Their star, HR 8799, have fewer than 60 million a year and nearly five times brighter than the Sun, according to much of the world.

These objects have orbits that are very different, more than 400 for 40 years.

But the researchers believe that they are in resonance one-two-4-8.

This means that their orbital period is almost accurate reports in one with others.
Considering how long it takes the planet to complete each orbit, only excerpts of this journey is shown in the animation.

Astronomers have discovered three planets HR 8799 in 2008, using the direct imaging for the first time.

The team included Christian Marois of the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics National

Research Council, who analyzed the data, according to much of the world.
Scientific graphics then the first planet HR 8799, a separate team also announced a direct image of a planet in orbit around the star Fomalhaut.

After additional comments in 2009-2010, researchers found fourth planet around HR 8799.
Wang used a motion interpolation algorithm to draw their orbit, and the animation shows this four stars which they make their way around HR 8799.

Researchers have created a similar animation of the planets in orbit around Beta Pictoris.

According to Wang, the new technique "allows us to use the data reduction process of artifact we use to consider interruption to further limit the planetary positions.

So they look, researchers have been blocking the light from a star, causing the black circle in the Center.

Each star is larger than Jupiter and thus very far from each other.

While researchers continue to observe this system, they will look to see if the stable, or if several planets will be issued.

Wang and Maori was part of the Gemini Planet Imager operating team, an additional in Gemini South telescope in Chile.

Each star is larger than Jupiter, and thus lie far away from each other.
As researchers continue to observe this system, they will watch to see if it is stable, or if some of the planets will be ejected. Their star, HR 8799, is less than 60 million years old and is nearly five times brighter than the sun. Their orbital periods vary from 40 years to more than 400, but researchers suspect they are in a one-two-four-eight resonance with each other. This means their individual orbital periods are in nearly precise ratio with the others.

Japan's Ambitious Space Junk Experiment Ends in Failure

Earth's orbit is a mess. Millions of pieces of old whiz spacecraft around the planet horrible speed, posing a serious threat to new or ongoing missions.

Japan's version of NASA, JAXA, try one of the first major tests to see if it would be

possible to clean up some of this Space Junk. This is a failure.

The vehicle was a cargo ship that moment came the international space station. Back on the road to Earth, without the

ship's crew was to deploy the cables along the 700-meter (it's almost half a mile) of aluminum and steel. New Scientist, said:

"The cable was meant to unfurl from the spacecraft, at which point an electric current would pass along its length. The idea was that the current would interact with the Earth's magnetic field, creating a drag that pulled the spacecraft out of orbit. The spacecraft would then tumble into our atmosphere and become incinerated. Proponents of such junk-removing cables say that special space vehicles could attach cables to existing pieces of space junk."

Unfortunately, it does not for the moment. Because of a glitch Kounotori 6 spacecraft could not deploy his publicist at the time no matter where it is up to the Earth's atmosphere today. JAXA Engineers said the problem may not be with the wiring itself, but they are still investigating.

The failure may be embarrassing for Japan's decline, but it is very important that the space agencies in the world pressing

the search mission and real to remove some debris of our spaces. Scientists have proposed and claw and laser nets and many

other methods to scan the Earth's orbit; hoping that one of them works.

Lunar eclipse, snow moon and a comet will all appear on Friday: Here's how to make sure you don't miss them

It's almost time to get Your binoculars in hand, like this week seems to be ready to offer some incredible astronomical events to viewers around the world.

Friday, a Lunar Eclipse is expected to appear at full moons occur in February-Snow cast a shadow on the Moon's surface.

And a few hours later, the Comet 45P-also known as Comet new year-will make the closest approach to Earth.

Lunar Eclipses occur when the Sun, Earth and moon line up with the Middle Earth.

This alignment causes the Earth's shadow falls on the Moon, creating a lunar eclipse.

In twilight the Eclipse of the Moon, just more spread out beyond the shadow of Earth on the Moon falls, resulting in smoother from a partial Eclipse or total shadow.

But like a cloudless sky, the moon will turn a dark color of money during the Eclipse.

In Europe, Africa and West Asia, the event will look like the Moon in the sky to the South late in the evening, while for those in the North, Central America and South America, the best views will be from the East.

For viewers in the United Kingdom, the shadow will be first handed in at 10:34 pm GMT and ending at 23:59 GMT.

And for those in New York, the event will begin at 5:34 pm he and ends in 21 h 53 he.

To check if the lunar eclipse will be visible in your area, you can also consult the website of the clock and date.

As well as lunar eclipses, comets 45 P will make its closest approach the Earth this weekend.

In a blog on the site, says Nasa: "45P Comet, visible after sunset during the month of the two-two binoculars and telescopes-reached the point on Earth closest to you on February 11, when he will be 0.08 Astronomical Units (7.4 million miles) of Earth."

"This will be visible in the morning sky in the constellation Hercules.

"Comet then passes through the constellation Corona Borealis (the Northern Crown), Bouvier (Bouvier), Hunter dogs (Hounds Bouvier) and Ursa Major."

' Then Leo before the end of February.

"It's moving quickly-9 degrees per day! He returned again in 2022. »

The Comet made its way into the inner solar system approximately every 5 years and have a light-green ' head '.

It can be hard to find with the naked eye, and you may have to use binoculars to see comet.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Are SOLAR STORMS causing whales and dolphins to swim aground in their hundreds?

Solar storms could be the cause of marine animals healthy to lose their way, leaving stranded on Earth by hundreds.

Scientists have launched an investigation into the mysterious phenomenon because of whales, dolphins and porpoises find themselves stranded along coastal areas in the world.

While the anthropogenic influences, as the use of sonar-type equipment, could play a role to intervene in their internal compasses, researchers say the real driving force is probably more extreme.

Severe solar storms could be causing healthy marine animals to lose their way, leaving them stranded on land by the hundreds. Scientists have launched an investigation on the mysterious phenomenon that has caused whales, dolphins, and porpoises to get stuck along coastal areas

Stranding events can affect as little as three or several hundreds of individuals both.
And, they are more likely to occur in New Zealand, Australia and Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

These places share some key features, such as geography, gently sloping beaches and fine sediments, we think that all play some role in these events," said collaborator project Katie Moore, the global Animal Rescue Program Director of IFAW.

Researchers have long suspected the solar activity can contribute to this weird phenomenon, but this is the first time, it is studied in depth.

Many other explanations have been proposed, with some suggesting the use of pollsters multibeam and other instruments used to map the ocean floor or locate potential fishing sites are playing games with their internal compasses.

"However, these anthropogenic influences do not explain the majority of strandings," said NASA heliophysicist Antti Pulkkinen.

Stranding events can effect as little as three or as many as several hundred animals at once. And, they’re more likely to happen in New Zealand, Australia, and Cape Cod, Massachusetts. A beached humpback whale calf is pictured in Alaska

Theories as to the cause include magnetic anomalies and meteorological events, such as extreme tides during a new moon and coastal storms, which are thought to disorient the animals.

‘It has been speculated that due to the possible magnetic-field sensing used by these animals to navigate, magnetic anomalies could be at least partially responsible.’

During a solar storm, the sun ejects giant bubbles of charged particles.

This is known to interfere with Earth-orbiting satellites and power grids, as the particles slam into the magnetosphere.
‘So far, there has been very little quantitative research just a lot of speculation. What we’re going to do is throw cold, hard data at this.

‘It’s a long-standing mystery and it’s important that we figure out what’s going on.’

The study is expected to run through September, and could provide new insight on the mysterious phenomenon.

‘The results of this study will be informative for researchers, stranding network organizers, resource agencies, and regulatory agencies,’ Reeb said.

‘If we understand the relationship between the two, we may be able to use observations of solar storms as an early warning for potential strandings to occur,’ added Moore.

‘This would allow stranding responders in global hotspots, and really around the world, to be better prepared to respond, thus having the opportunity to save more animals.’

  • If Earth's magnetic field was hit by charged particles from a solar storm the effects could include:
  • - Electric grid disruption
  • - Radar interference
  • - Solar cell damage
  • - Telecommunication cable disruption
  • - Pipeline corrosion
  • - Loss of synchronisation of global internet
  • - Airline passenger radiation