Monday, March 27, 2017

Tomi Lahren Goes After Women’s March Attendees ‘With Their Cardboard Signs and Their Hashtags’

Tomi Lahren conservative commentators will not return to the fire, where he organized a daily event on the conservative network of sites.

The decision, outlined in a report published, permanently pull You came less than a week after the fire suspended him without offering a reason. Lahren kindled some conservatives to say on "The View" that he believed in the right to abortion and call conservatives hypocrites.

Lahren maintain viewpoint in a Tweet shortly after he was suspended, saying he had a "moderate, conservative and libertarian view."

The light did not immediately return a request for comment on Why Lahren banned permanently. The New York Post first reported the story.

Read the full story at The Washington Examiner→


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Trump signs NASA bill aimed at sending people to Mars

Trump's President has signed a law that authorizes $19.5 billion in funding for NASA, the first such legal authorization for projects the agency space within seven years.
Trump's President has signed a law that authorizes $19.5 billion in funding for NASA, the first such legal   authorization for projects the agency space within seven years.

Bill more or less parallel to the initial draft budget that Trump filed last week. NASA did not face the same cuts as science and international medical organizations, who stand to lose the most from the budget proposal under other Presidents. Send a human to Mars by the 2030s remains a long-term objective of NASA and Congress will continue to fund the construction of the system of the space launch rockets and the Orion crew capsule for the mission.
"I think it is really more of a voice for stability," said Scott Pace, Director of the Institute of space policy at George Washington University. He pointed out that the adoption of the last count of the NASA 2010 authorization is pretty messed up because it is the end of the constellation program to send astronauts to the moon.

This year the Bill left untouched the NASA Earth science budget, for now. Earth Science viewed pieces of 5 per cent in the plan the President and Trump said Tuesday that NASA thinks it should focus on the spaces in, not the Earth. "It's been a long time since such a Bill has been signed by a national commitment to reaffirm the Mission of NASA's human space exploration, space science, and technology," he said. He later added, "we support the work. It's a job. " The BILL passed with bipartisan support can be read in full here. The following is the signature of the Bill:

The astronauts will receive health care for life

The astronauts treatment included in the Bills finally Act mandate to NASA to pay for monitoring, diagnosis, and treatment of health problems related to space flight all the ancient astronauts. Space Agency had been monitored for a long time with the astronauts for health problems after his time in space, which is what we know about visual intracranial pressure deficiency syndrome, eye damage caused by microgravity. But NASA cannot treat problems found; It could only be referring to the astronauts back to their primary care physician. In 2010, then an Administrator Charles Bolden called on Congress to make sure the benefits of life for astronauts. He was opposed by the Union that represents many NASA officials, according to the Wall Street Journal, because the proposals benefited only a small group of people.

Now, the retired astronauts NASA receives lifetime health care for all issues related to space flight. This is great news not only for the astronauts, but for scientists studying the health effects of space travel, something that NASA will have to take into consideration that Srivijaya prepares to send humans into seven months of travel to Mars.

Trump National Space Council reactivated

Vice President penny says in the law firm that he will go to the National Council for a new space, a Committee of advisers who serve as intermediaries for NASA and the White House who has not worked since George H. W. Bush was President. It is not clear yet When the Council will be established, or how it can promote the President's space policy. Pace, who served aboard the space under Bush, said that the Council's help to resolve the problem that some federal institutions: for example, the question of cooperation in the international space station (ISS), which means that NASA and the Department.

The Mission of the asteroids redirect surely die

The authorization bill directing NASA to keep the display on a human mission to Mars 2033 (though it did not explain whether it will land or just visiting the orbit of Mars). But Congress wants to achieve an alternative space agency to steer asteroid mission (arm), which should send humans to orbit the moon as a step toward the red planet. NASA does not need to be told twice, since the budget plan does not include funding for the arms, acting administrator Robert Lightfoot announced that NASA has not investigated this mission.

But it means that NASA find other steps "intermediate" in the journey from Earth to Mars. One of them is going to the Moon? At the request of the President, NASA studied the feasibility of adding the astronauts for flight test rocket, SLS, which is scheduled to fly to the Moon next year. Trump also makes references to the moon landing of Apollo 11 in 1969 on Tuesday. "It was a great moment in our history," he said. "Right now, the nation is poised to be first in space once again."

NASA could soon be chartering a commercial flight to the ISS

The legislation authorizing the project mandate that NASA cannot obtain the foreign entity Services space flight unless you have a vehicle commercial providers are not available from NASA or theUnited States. It also directed space agency to discuss ways to promote private space industry.

Trump is not personally interested in travelling to space (although he was willing to send Congress)

During the Bill signing, Trump addressed Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) comments on the difficulty of being an astronaut. I don't know Ted, you want to do this?» he asked. "I don't think you will.
Cross shook his head, so Trump looked for Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.).

"Marco, want to do it?"

Rubio also declined. Both senators were co-sponsors of the Bill, and the countries that are home to two great center of NASA: Johnson Space Center in Houston and Kennedy in Cape Canaveral, Florida, Space Center. "It could send the space Congress", showed Cruz, apparently without taking into account the fact that he was a member of Congress.

"We can," said Trump. "What a great idea that could."

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Tasmanian blue glow may hide a deadly secret

Blue light that supernatural off the northwest coast of Tasmania's local and charming Beach photographers, but may appoint a day for hunger fish. Hordes of small algae that lit up
the coast of Tasmania with a phenomenon often referred to as "brightness of the sea". Time observed in the waters around Sydney, berpendaran creatures crept South thanks to the warm seas and food changes, environmental concerns and local farmers suspect that the invaders could alter the food chain. The responsibility lies with the dinoflagellate Noctiluca Scintillans, small, takes its name from the words in latin for the night and light. Usually sentado usually sitting right on the cusp of naked eye visibility, when the Sun is setting the creature into a dramatic spectacle.

Noctiluca respond to every movement with a bright blue Flash, that scientists suspect is useful to confuse predators and attract mates."The action is a bit like a burglar alarm", Professor Gustaaf Hallegraeff aquatic botanist to the BBC. "Something I want to eat on it flash and then scared off to."
And the visual warning is very attractive to humans, such as Brett Chatwin locally gone and settled down to sleep when he sees the pictures reveal a local Bay turned blue in a social network. "I said to my partner, ' I go out to pursue this ' and what do you see in the photos is what I see with my own eyes," said Mr. Chatwin Australia. "It was quite a sight to behold." Other Tasmanians reported waiting up to six hours to see the sights.

But while images of enjoyment of other worlds in social networks, others see the ripples shine as a precursor of problems to come. Historical records report algae oscillates in the waters near Sydney for over a century, but they are new arrivals to the Southern Ocean around Tasmania, located more than 100 miles to the South. Sightings began in 1994, but did not become routine until the year 2000, The Australian reports. As an invasive species, environmentalists worry what impact the life of the original. When a flock of Noctiluca came to town, he ate all the plankton, leaving little left over for other sea creatures. "This is a plankton that need to feed on other organisms and voracious feeders; can really behave like a vacuum cleaner, "said Hallegraeff Professor at the University of Tasmania in Australia ..."

And the problem goes far beyond the wild fish. The area is famous for its oysters and mussels and local shellfishermen wonder if production must be something left by their clams to eat. 2014 a study finding that Noctiluca tends to replace one more variation of algae called Diatoms that usually serves as a key link in the local food chain. "We continue to blossom n. scintillans can interfere with the traditional food chain Diatoms are sustained at the expense of regional Fishery and the long-term health of the coastal ecosystem support for the population of nearly 120 million people," the researchers wrote in their summary.

Dr. Hallegraeff blamed warming waters, change in other factors.
This is just one other part of Australia's climate is definitely news, following on the heels of reports that the great barrier reef suffered large areas of money-laundering by 2016.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Indy Car circuit! Radical (but terrifying) plan could cut fuel use and optimize traffic

At first, it sounds like a recipe for disaster – a circular trajectory in which three planes can take off and land at the same time. However, experts say that the song 'Indy car circuit' could revolutionize air travel, cuts the Crosswinds and track operations safer, more efficient. Endless track project has proposed plans to build a circular 3.5 km wide strip with sloping sides around the airport, with claims will allow airplanes or regardless of wind direction. 
Not only will a circular track to travel more efficiently, but also opens up the possibility to reduce the environmental impact of the airport, as it will allow planes burn less fuel, according to the BBC. And, it will be the same length with three straight tracks, with the ability to operate on the current workload of the four. Limited physical limitations in the operation of the songs, such as the wake Vortex separation minima and Cruz and the wind is profitable, making it difficult to improve the performance of the conventional Airport settings, explains the endless track team. Basically, the concept of «can produce breakthroughs in sustainable Airport capacity to avoid the limitations of conventional physical grounding through the displacement of the point of take-off and landing airplane. Based on the design of the endless, circular system will be divided into 18 segments of track-which means that many access points.The three aircraft could land and take off at the same time, because each will use part of the circle is limited. 

According to the team of endless tracks, the system operates independent of the direction of the wind, as opposed to the straight track. This means that aircraft can take off and land from any direction.The aircraft can take off and land at the points of the circle is to ensure that you do not have a side wind and headwind just, Hank Hesselink Netherlands Aerospace Centre, told the BBC. Passengers will experience a slight turn similar to a turn in the air. Because of centrifugal forces, the aircraft would automatically go slower and go to the center of the track. However, don't feel as if you were on a roller coaster, convincing investigators. The project has provided three different landing scenario: low wind strong wind and wind direction changes. In the first situation, the plane will fly to the point of contact that is exactly the headwind. Low wind conditions means there are restrictions for landing, the weather short intervals and eliminates the need for aircraft matches the category of turbulent wake. Under winds of change, the team said that the sequence of the plane can ' slowly "moved" by the direction of the wind. 

Despite the promise of efficiency, there has been little evidence of this type of design.
Tests conducted by the military in the decades of 1960 in circular tracks, but the circular path of the commercial never have been built, according to the BBC. The endless runway project, funded by the European Commission, the current simulation to test a radical plan. However, could one day offer a way to stay one step ahead of demands travel boom. There is a great demand for more airport. People really want to fly, Hesselink told the BBC. The airport is becoming more solid. The circular path is a more efficient way to handle all this traffic.

Based on the design of the endless, circular system will be divided into 18 segments of track-which means that many access points. The three aircraft could land and take off at the same time, because each will use part of the circle is limited. According to the team of endless tracks, the system operates independent of the direction of the wind, as opposed to the straight track. This means that aircraft can take off and land from any direction. The project has provided three different landing scenario: low wind strong wind and wind direction changes. In the first situation, the plane will fly to the point of contact that is exactly the headwind. Low wind conditions means there are restrictions for landing, the weather short intervals and eliminates the need for aircraft matches the category of turbulent wake.
Under winds of change, the team said that the sequence of the plane can ' slowly "moved" by the direction of the wind. 

the 1990s, the United States Navy tested the idea of applying circular walkways, use the test car lines as analog airport with a concept.The evidence documented by popular science in 1966 revealed the Navy conducted trials in 1964 and 1965 use learning 8,400 foot wide track. And while the first pilot said that they felt they were flying in a ' hole ', soon became a fan of the design. Some do takeoffs and landings during a successful test, with claims that will work for civil and military purposes. But the idea. Although the evidence in the 1960s, the circular path of the commercial never has been built according to the BBC. The endless runway project, funded by the European Commission, the current simulation to test a radical plan.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Asteroid narrowly misses smashing into Earth just in time for St Patrick's Day

Ireland is known for their good fortune and it seems that some of them can be rubbed on the Earth.

In a good sign for celebrating the feast of Saint Patrick's party-goers, an asteroid passed safely within four Lunar distances of the planet this morning. It is expected that the asteroid 2017 EG3 already closer to the planet at 10 am GMT today. All near Earth (NEOs) asteroids observed by Nasa to predict the potential impact. NEOs anything older than 100 meters in diameter, from 4.6 million miles-0.05 astronomical units are classified as potentially hazardous asteroid (PHA).

2017 EG3 was first observed by the Observatory Honda Mt survey, Northwest of Tucson in Arizona, on March 7. Today the wine in four distance mol (LDs) planets, or 0.0112047 AU-for a little more than 1 million miles away. The Moon orbits approximately 0.00257 AU, about 238.000 miles.It will happen again on Monday, but only reached 55 LDs. Fortunately 2017 dare EG3 rock is only 23 metres through and thus do not represent a serious threat if it deviates towards the planet. 2017 EG3 follows an orbit similar to NEO 1862 Apollo, space rock stony slightly less than a mile in diameter that was discovered in 1932.

Orbit took it within a two-year journey around the Sun, going from 250 million miles of Jupiter along the way. All asteroids that cross the Earth's orbit on the same street is now the original name Apollo asteroids. The number of known Apollo asteroid is currently in more than 8,000, by far the largest group of NEOs, with more being discovered all the time. Almost 1,500 Apollo asteroid is large enough and can get close enough to Earth to be PHA. None of PHAs that currently we know being a collision for the planet, but scientists are concerned that this could someday change.

2017 EG3

2017 EG3 was first noted by the survey of the Observatory Honda Mt, Northwest of Tucson in Arizona, on March 7. Following an orbit similar to NEO 1862 Apollo, space rock, Rocky, a little less than a mile in diameter that was discovered in 1932. All the asteroids that cross the Earth's orbit on the same street is now the original name Apollo asteroids. Currently the number of asteroids more than 8,000 Apollo is known. Almost 1,500 Apollo asteroid is large enough and can get close enough to the Earth to become dangerous asteroids.

Uber's automated cars can only drive for A MILE without human assistance

Car Auto über can only lead to just less than a mile without a human being should take over the wheel, according to surprise them filtered data.

The car, which is being tested in Pennsylvania, Arizona and California road, could cause only 0.7 miles (1 km) without the aid of in February.And during the week, vehicles can only for 50 miles (80 kilometers) without human intervention ' critical ' to avoid hitting someone or cause at least £ 4,042 ($ 5,000) worth of damage to property. Screened to recode the internal documents reveal Rocky über autonomous fleet developments. Enterprise applications first announced its intention to replace its fleet with one same driving in August 2016. After striking a deal with Volvo, the company began testing the autonomous vehicle on the road with a man sitting in the car's driver to provide backup. In the last six years, we have seen a profound impact that has smartphone transport technology, as well as the shipping business, said CEO Travis Kalanick über announced the agreement. When people can press a button and get a reliable economic trip to town, things change for the better, and fast. Of course, this is only the beginning, especially when it comes to security. More 1 million people die on the world's roads each year and 90 percent of the accidents were caused by human error. In the United States, traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for people under the age of 25 years. "This is a tragedy that the self-driving technology can help solve".

But leaked documents have revealed that the car struggling to drive without human assistance. Uber has been collecting data on common experience ' ride ' that breaks down into three categories. These include: ' miles per intervention ', how many miles, the car can drive without taking human, ' miles for a critical intervention ', much can drive a car without making any mistakes that might cause them to hit someone or cause serious damage to property and ' bad experience ', the size of the General softness of the trip. The data show that in January, the car can only lead 0.9 miles (1.5 km) until the man should take over the wheel, and in February, the figure declined 0.7 miles (1 km). Interventions ' critical ' to avoid dangerous accidents in volume from one wild week. In early February, the car could push 125 miles (200 km) without making a critical mistake, but one week later this number dipped to 50 miles (80 km). The data also showed that the car had more ' evil ' experience the case of unbalanced and uncomfortable driving. In January, the car could go 4.5 miles (7 km) with no experience of ' bad ' but this number was reduced to just two miles (three kilometers) from February. Uber is not said information leaked.


In September, über revealed that it began testing the autonomous vehicles around Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Ford hybrid fusions with Super logo used for mapping data from the city of steel and evidence of their ability to drive on public roads. Included in the ad is a photo that Ford fusion hybrid with a variety of sensors, radar, and high-resolution cameras. When roaming cars in Pittsburgh, a trained driver would sit in the driver's seat to monitor the performance of the vehicle, but the car will be set to the same mode-driving.


Companies can now try same driving a vehicle on a public highway in Michigan without or steering wheel driver under controversial new legislation that could push the country to the forefront of the development of autonomous vehicles-prices. A new package of bills defined than last Friday came with some country-specific regulations leave many decisions up to car manufacturers and companies like Google and Uber. Michigan Transportation Director Kirk Steudle, who signed the Bill, acknowledged there will be accidents and deaths are caused by technology — but says that ' it is a risk worth taking '. And allows each sales-driving vehicles to the public after they are tested and certified, in accordance with the circumstances.

Your account allows you to test without the burdensome regulations so that the industry can move forward with potential life-saving technologies, said Governor Rick Snyder, who signed the Bill. The account is given Michigan the potential to be a leader who gives the company more autonomy than, say, California, which now requires that a human driver backups when something goes wrong. Police will investigate the accident and may inform any trends for the country, which can suspend your license plate manufacturing company and complete the tests, Steudle said acknowledged that there will be accidents and possible deaths of the autonomous car involved. But the technology can eliminate the human error that caused the 94 percent of accidents and reduce deaths on 100 roads in the United States every day, he said.

Scientists discover 4.3 billion year old traces of Earth's original crust in Canada

Examples of rocks in Canada believed to contain portions of the Earth's crust dating back to more than 4.3 billion years ago.

As the Earth is estimated at about 4.6 billion years, the researchers now say that perhaps that part of the original crust of our planet are still in place today. Scientists find evidence of isotopic 2.7 trillion years ' parental ' Stone Shield samples Canada, suggested the oldest crust Congratulations formation features of this continent.

In a new study, researchers from the University of Ottawa and the Carnegie Science analyzes the ratio of isotopes of samarium and neodymium stone Superior Province, which is located in the northern part of the Great Lakes. This sample is mainly composed of granite which 2.7 billion years old, formed by rocks, rich in magnesium recycling. "This area of Northern Quebec is the core of the shield of Canada," explains Jonathan O'Neil Professor, Department of  Earth and environmental sciences at the University. ' Previous work has shown that if we have a sense of something more, of this ancestor, it'll be there. ' First the crust has been driven primarily through inner geological activity, it is difficult to identify the nature of. However, with certain isotopes, the researchers were able to study Earth's early ' time '. This, in turn, revealed the signing rock. Samarium-146 has a half-life of just 103 million years, which runs on a geological time scale. And, while it existed at the time of the formation of the Earth, become extinct from the beginning.

The researchers determined that the sample contained revised skin from more than 4.2 billion years ago.  We can now better understand how the core of the continent at that time table, "said O'Neil. There is a complex history of cortical recycling and return to combine, by the stone that always constantly recycled and returned to melt that way-and delete a lot of information about his early life, or when it comes '. ' If this means that the tectonic plates are not working during the first part of the Earth's history can now be investigated by using our tool variations of neodymium-142 a study to track the role of crust really old buildings are old, but still young, part of the continental crust of the Earth, ' said Richard Carlson of the Carnegie. According to o ' Neil, the result of allowing scientists to better determine the age of the bedrock. ' Has become a 4.2 billion years older, almost as old as 4.3 billion years, said O'Neil. ' Therefore, we can piece the puzzle together to try to understand how the first continents formed and the core of our oldest continent '.


Geoscientists from the University of Chicago calculated the mass before and after the India-Asia collision system, consider the many ways in which you can distribute. This process is very slow, causing 60 million years and continues today. New calculations reveal the enormous difference in mass. After the collision, the refugees have only behaved in some ways, explained tim.
Some are forced upward, creating the Himalayas, while some are eroded and deposited as sedimentary deposits in the  great sea. And some squeezed out the sides, forming the Southeast Asia.
This, however, still leaves most of the existence of which is not known, and scientists say that this could be explained only if the parcel is lost deep in the mantle.

Inside Carrie Fisher's quirky Beverly Hills mansion that has remained untouched since the Star Wars legend's shock death and may be now be turned into a museum

Beverly Hills luxury homes, Carrie Fisher has touched since the sudden death, our exclusive pictures show. Star Wars actress, who died on December 27, after suffering a heart attack, living next to her mother, Debbie Reynolds, who died a day later and leaving the estate of Oscar winning Hollywood pedigree.

Your Bohemian bedroom seems to be that it could be from a different universe — with colorful carpets are big and shiny extended bed, giant illuminated head, spiders and antique lamps. A house full of furniture vintage Griffith and collections, including a large glass window in space must be made for him by a friend in the United Kingdom. Carrie before talking about his residence in 1919 in Coldwater Canyon in a feature in Architectural Digest in 2004, said: ' I've got a lot of things, I have to live in a place where I want to go. Furniture is a Manager where I end up. If you can say something about the House, always a pleasure. '

His house originally belonged to Robert Armstrong, Captain of King Kong, and people like Bette Davis has also lived there. Carrie, who died aged 60, his Room is home to the British settlers and struck a friendship with the musician James  Blunt, who wrote his hit ' you're beautiful ' during their stay. Fed him soup, I have yet to see a movie with her and even put cardboard Princess Leia cut from his bed for protection. In an interview, he said: ' has never been in therapy, and I had enough for both, so we started talking very deeply about his time in the army and the kind of impact it's had. And so on. So is their shrink/patron. I live in the property for five months and was recorded in her bathroom, where she remains strangely piano because good acoustics.Security has been uploaded now owned by Carrie, who belong to his son Billie Lourd, while his uncle, Todd Fisher, decide what to do with the home page.

A friend told exclusive: ' there are only two remaining staff members, but there are a lot more security and cameras in most rooms. ' No one knows what will happen to the property, or Debbie, but would love a celebrity tour to visit. Both took so many interesting articles over the years and has a different taste and unique when it comes to decorations. ' Debbie once held a lot of film treasures collection, including the famous white dress Marilyn from seven year itch and guitar by Julie Andrews from the sound of music. He tried for the items exhibited in the museum but was forced to part with them before he died, although it still kept dozens of movie props at home.
Meanwhile, a public Memorial is planned at Forest Lawn in Burbank, where he was buried next to the pair, giving fans a chance to pay respects to friends and family. A source said: ' it was a big surprise when they passed suddenly and very together and all who suffer. "But the family wanted to arrange something special at the end of March for people to pay respects."

Thursday, March 16, 2017

More vegetables, less stress! Study reveals every extra veggie you add to your plate lowers your stress levels by 5 percent

Vegetables are loaded with vitamins and minerals to maintain healthy lifestyle – and relieve the stress of the end of the day, too.People who eat more veggies throughout the day have less stress than those who don't eat a lot, a new study finds.Scientists say that people who consume three to four servings of vegetables daily had a 12 percent lower risk of stress than those who only eat a portion of or less.

Based on previous research that found that particularly obscure, green leaves, such as spinach, are rich in folic acid, help to increase the production of mood stabilizers in the brain like serotonin and dopamine. Studies conducted at the University of Sydney in Australia, see 60,000 Australia aged more than 45 years. Researchers measured participant of consumption of fruits and vegetables, lifestyle factors and the psychological pressure of two: 2006-08-2010. The psychological pressure is measured using a scale of psychological discomfort Kessler, a 10-item questionnaire measuring symptoms of anxiety and depression. The usual fruit and vegetable consumption was assessed using short questions and validated. The researchers found that participants who ate three or four servings of vegetables daily had a 12 percent lower risk of stress than those who eat between zero and one serving daily.
And eat five to seven servings per day give a lower risk of 14 percent. The benefits are even more obvious when it comes to women. Women who eat three or four servings a day of vegetables have an 18 percent lower risk of stress.

But women who eat five to seven servings of lower risk 23 percent stress than women who consumed one or fewer servings a day. Investigators said at the start of the study the highest stress-related features include: being a woman, a young, have lower education and income, Overweight/obesity, smoking and being physical is currently not active. Only fruit consumption does not have a significant relationship with a lower incidence of stress, they are. And there is no significant association between levels of fruits and vegetables--more than seven servings daily intake and a lower incidence of stress.
' This study showed that moderate daily consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated with lower levels of psychological stress, ' says Dr. melody Ding School of public health from the University of Sydney. ' Also reveals that a moderate daily intake of just vegetables is associated with lower incidence of psychological stress.

Moderate intake of fruits just doesn't seem to give significant benefits on psychological distress people. ' Several studies have found that fruits and vegetables, alongside or separately, which is associated with a lower risk of depression and higher levels of well-being through a variety of measures of mental health. We found that fruits and vegetables are more protection for women than for men, suggesting that women may benefit more from fruits and vegetables, said first author and Ph.D. student at the University of Sydney, Binh Nguyen.
The author says that further study should investigate the possibility of a ' threshold ' between the middle and upper levels of intake of fruits and vegetables and psychological stress.


A new study has confirmed that people who ate at home have a healthy diet.
Researchers at the University of Washington found that cooking at home, people consume more fruits and vegetables, avoid unhealthy foods offered elsewhere. The researchers used the rate of a healthy diet (HEI), the supply of quality size of the United States, to evaluate more than 400 adults. This measure if the diet gave them the right mix of fruits, vegetables, and other items. Participants who consumed food only at home three times a week scored 67 in HEY.

But people who had dinner at home six times a week had a score of 74.
Professor Adam Drewnowski of the University of Washington said the study's author: ' by cooking more often at home, have a good meal there is a significant increase in cost.
' If you go any further, have a less healthy diet with higher costs. A significant difference, even with relatively small research sample. '

Monday, March 13, 2017

Bad news for bald men: Hair loss drugs cause erectile dysfunction that lasts for years (and even Viagra won’t cure the problem)

Remedy for hair loss can cause erectile dysfunction in men, warn scientists.

Those who take the popular growth stimulants are already impotent on average four years after drugs, a study found. The victims are unable to maintain an erection though given Viagra to try to solve your problem.

Experts now say that taking finasteride is a risk factor for diabetes, hypertension and smoking.
The drug, sold as Propecia, reduce the level of prostate-specific antigen and are used for the treatment of hair loss male pattern.

Researchers from the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine assessed the effect of hair growth stimulant, by Donald Trump and dutasteride.
The author of the study, Dr. Steven Belknap said: ' people who took finasteride or dutasteride can constantly erectile dysfunction, that it will not be able to have normal erections during the month or the year. 'Both hormone blockers that prevent testosterone is converted to the active form. The first is prescribed for some people with baldness and also sold under the brand name Proscar. While the latter, better known as Avodart, is mainly used to reduce the size of the prostate. Male 11,909 learning, 1.4 percent spend to develop persistent erectile dysfunction. This continued for an average 1.348 days.

Before the study was published in the PeerJ, it is rare for research about the sexual effects taking finasteride and dutasteride. There is also strong evidence that good for a long period of time increases the risk of impotence. But the researchers found people under 42-year using one of the drugs for seven months had greater risk of 4.7-fold. This came after scientists found the blood type of the week Turkey may affect human performance under the covers.Blood types A, B, or AB up to four times more likely to suffer from impotence in men who have blood type or. The results are significant because it is estimated that more than half of all people have three levels of danger.


Finasteride was initially developed to treat urinary problems in men.
Studies show the drug do smaller prostate gland by reducing levels of the hormone dihydrotestosterone in the participants. But during clinical trials, the scientists saw an unexpected side effects-hair growth. And so in 1997, the FDA approved steroid inhibitors as the first ever drug to treat male pattern baldness. It is taken once a day, mainly drug sold under the brand name Propecia. Millions of American adults using the pills, which have been proven effective 90 percent. You will be sure how many people in the United Kingdom use because treated only with a prescription that is not available on the NHS. Than impotence, some side effects include rash or sensitivity around the nipple.

Toddler diagnosed with fluid on the brain can't support his head because its swollen to TWICE the size

The boy whose head had swollen to twice the size of the natural is to support him for the operation.

He was born a healthy baby in Bangladesh to the Southwest, the head of Mohammad Hasan began to swell dramatically when she was only 16 days of age.

Now, 18 months at the head of an amazing 69 cm in circumference and is so big that it is able to bear the weight of the same. His mother, Sharmin Akter, saw her son's outstanding performance but can't afford to take your baby to a hospital that 
has facilities for treatment. "When my son was born, he was good. After his head began to grow concerned foreign to see it, ' he said. ' Within the next 16 to 18 days after the birth of my son is the size of His head began to increase.
' Once we took him to the local doctor in our village, but due to the financial conditions we don't we can take it to any good doctor. To add to the worries of his son, Sharmin 19 years said that she was abandoned by her husband who blames his condition pair of Hasan.

And after a local journalist covering the history of Hasan, the child was referred to the Hospital of the National Institute of neuroscience in Dhaka March 5, 2017.
Doctors have diagnosed Hasan with hydrocephalus, a condition known as water on the brain.
Caused by an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid, the brain normally produces a pint of this fluid, which protects the brain by removing waste products and provides nutrients.
But when enough not to drain cerebrospinal fluid, can be placed into the brain and pressure on the kids, the skull is not fully have hardened and merged, can cause swelling.

Left untreated Hydrocephalus can lead to long-term complications and even death.
Hasan will be treated by Dr. Sheikh Mohammad Ekramullah, Professor and Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery at the Instituto Nacional, which has been caring for the children of more than 80 with hydrocephalus. And Sharmin has hopes that his son would now have a care that you need to overcome your condition. He said: ' I want to see a cure for my son. This is my last hope. '

End of the 'conscience clause': Pharmacists are stripped of their right to refuse drugs on religious grounds

Pharmacists can't refuse to dispense contraceptives or certain drugs because of moral objections.

 The conscience clause allowing them to refer the patient to a colleague has now ruled out are not compatible with the 

requirement that pharmacists provide ' person-centered ' care. The General Council owned the pharmacist (GPhC) says that the new system means that it is necessary for the treatment 

of his clients ' is not interrupted because of personal values and beliefs '. The changes concerned Christians and medical professionals who are eager to retain the right to pharmacists in their beliefs and their religious ethics.
It will affect those who currently refuse to supply the pill the next day which is considered medication abortion.

After consultation, the GPhC published a paper this week's explanation says that the rules in the future if they need their own pharmacists ' recognize the values and beliefs that others impose on
them '. It should be ' responsible for ensuring that care is centred not disturbed '. GPhC add rule ' tip the balance that supports the needs and rights of the person in your care ' and a list of drugs that can affect as contraceptives, fertility drugs, hormone therapy, Health and mental health Services, substance abuse and sexual health services.

Christians say to replace the right reference with ' duty to issue a ' mendiskriminasi a pharmacist with the ethical beliefs of minorities.

Dr Peter Saunders, a former surgeon who directs the Christian medical Fellowship, said: ' the question is whether they should force pharmacists to channel drugs by what they see as unethical practices, gender reassignment, emergency contraception and abortion or even, legislation will not be, with assisted suicide.

' Or if they retain the right to exercise freedom of conscience with this colleague refer or reject '.
He said the GPhC ' using a sledgehammer to crack a nut '. Yesterday's Catholic Bishops issued a statement adding the opposition. Auxiliary Bishop of Southwark, the right Reverend Paul Mason said: ' it is our primary concern in relation to the nature of consciousness. ' Seems to imply that a conscientious objection, whether motivated by religious or other concerns, is a constraint to ensure patient-centered care.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Perils and discoveries lie ahead for long-lived Saturn orbiter

Scientists are preparing to bombard the invention in the last six months of the Cassini mission to Saturn, when robot powered by plutonium ram repeatedly through unexplored space in the famous rings of the planet, after a damaging penetration into the atmosphere in September.

The last dramatic action has been in the works since 2010, when NASA formally approved the plan, using the overflights Saturno Titán month periodic burns and thrusters to change the shape of the orbit of Cassini that surround the planet.

The Cassini mission will end with a dip, September 15, in the atmosphere of hydrogen-helium Saturn after a series of 22 weeks close orbit passing between more ice planet and rings, with the clouds. The robotic spacecraft will launch the last stage of the mission--dubbed the "grand final", with a flyby of the Moon of Saturno Titán on April 22, followed by the first dive through the gap in the ring about four days later.

"In many ways, the grand finale of Cassini is the new mission," said Linda Spilker, Cassini project in Pasadena, California jet propulsion laboratory scientist. "We measure the magnetic field in search of magnetic Dynamo, and try and find out why there are so few, or maybe not, Saturn probe, the angle between the magnetic field axis and the axis of the arrival of Saturn. What happened there? "

Notes from the scientific research from April to September is very strong, but Cassini has withstood the first trip inside the ring."Only feat sailing and our path through the space between the ring and the planet, which itself seems a triumph of engineering, engineering", said Earl Maize, Cassini at JPL project manager.This is the story that played out in the meeting room, notes and slides in presentation between the scientists and engineers who work in many space missions. Scientists who are hungry for a new paragraph press for more, while engineers warn of risks and hazards that could overload a spacecraft or instrument.

Cassini has last action team brave members of the mission who are struggling with the same dilemma of balance: the data are more or less risk?

But the calculation has been changed by Cassini, which in the last six months 13-year Odyssey around Saturn. While the managers say they want to avoid any stupid with the spacecraft's mission, reducing the time horizon have officials who are willing to take more risks. The ship will make the first step through the 1,500-mile wide (2,400 kilometers) between the rings of Saturn and the atmosphere with high gain dish antenna pointing forward, blocking sensitive orbiter electronics, computers and scientific sensors from collisions with ice and dust that can fill the area.

Space ships have last any time through the gap, and even though their pictures Show traces of powder or ice in the trajectory of Cassini, those officials could not be secure from threatening. Cassini will move so quickly that a break-for the above with small grains can cause damage to the disaster.

"The inner Ring is called the D-ring, and slowly a little faded in areas that we can't see," said corn. "Let's go to the areas where you can't see. We have a very good model of the ring, and believe that we will be safe, however, they will be five cases in which we are going to hide behind high gain antenna as we go through the ring just because we're getting close. "

High gain antenna in a position called "ram", pointing to the direction of Cassini in travel, travel first through a gap in the ring, provides an opportunity to assess how much the ice drivers of Earth and dust really exist.Cassini will fly through space in places that are a little different in each orbit. In four steps from May to July, the ship will be closer to the ring D and engineers will rotate with Cassini again puts the antenna in a position of ram in orbit.

"There is a greater possibility and that we receive often, collisions of powder," corn said in an interview with spaceflight now. "We will try to be careful, but at the same time there is that possibility. "If we get surprised, and we have more dust than we thought, then it is probably hidden behind high gain antenna is much more often," said corn.

But officials of the major changes.
Spaceflight members can now read the transcript of the interview with Cassini Manager Earl maize. Become a member today and support our coverage.

Cassini plans go ship cut 10 weeks of scientific observations, and for the grand finale of the summer campaign is planned in detail. "Science is all carefully integrated and coordinated between all the instruments, and if we start moving if we hide behind high gain (antenna), and if not, then that can be very disturbing," said corn.

Another danger waiting for Cassini to another edge of the gap, where the top layer of the atmosphere of Saturn is Flip on the orbiter. Aerodynamic forces a little bit maybe too strong for Cassini, a set of reaction wheel mass designed to maintain the momentum of spin art. To end the Mission's journey through the five ring gap ground controllers Activate thrusters for rockets firing probe, 
hydrazine to prevent aerodynamic forces it put Cassini is falling. The Cassini project, first conceived in the 1980s, cost nearly $4 trillion from beginning to end. Cassini was launched in October 1997 from Cape Canaveral aboard the Titan 4 rocket flew by Venus and Jupiter and arrived at Saturn in July 2004, becoming the first space probe to enter orbit there.

The European Huygens probe falls the orbiter to land on the surface of Titan, Saturn's largest moon, January 2005. Since then, Cassini Saturn circle has more than 260 times, put together a detailed picture of the atmosphere of  Saturn's polar vortex and mysterious hexagonal, exploring its rings in detail and observed 49 of 62 known moons of Saturn up close flybys with long distance.

Cassini was originally scheduled to collect data four years after it arrived in orbit around Saturn, but NASA extended the mission, the probe found that the planet and moons that demands a deeper research.Titan hosts some characteristics similar to the Earth, as the thick atmosphere, rivers, lakes, and rain, but the liquid on the surface of Titan is not water. This is a mixture of Ethane, methane and other hydrocarbons.

313 miles in diameter Saturno Encélado (504-kilometer) Moon has global sea water buried under ice-discovery made by scientists with Cassini. Enceladus eruptions in South Pole spray gas, dust and organic matter in space, and Cassini has a sample in a series of jet overflights.

Accumulated knowledge has increased, with each of the hundreds of Cassini's encounter with Saturn's moon, adding another piece of the puzzle. Meanwhile, NASA as other rover Curiosity and new horizons mission make news when they landed on Mars and Pluto's face unveiled for the first time.
"We always thought that we should be on the front page every day," said Cassini's legacy of corn. "I think that it has reached maturity in the scientific community. This is a machine disocvery. "

He cited the decision by NASA last year to solicit proposals for new missions to Saturn's moon Titan and Enceladus. This time the space agency has not confirmed the Saturn after Cassini mission.
"The fact that he really has created the world's oceans program and they allow the proposed new mission to Titan and Enceladus, which is in us," said corn. "They are the invention of Cassini who opened this new set of horizon, which not only some of the world's seas, but there may be many and they don't have to be great." Take A Look At Enceladus! "

The moon may also have to hide it underground, and the rest of the motley crew of Saturn's moons have their own stories. There is Hyperion, which turned out to be unexpected, less dense than water and resembling a sponge or honeycomb '. Mimas, Saturn's moon, most likely it consists almost entirely of water ice, and the surface is marked with a giant crater, get a nickname as the "death star."
Two small cup-shaped moons pan and Atlas mountains, have shared their equators. Scientists believe that objects, each about the width of a large city, which collects the dust and ice grains of Saturn's orbit that is already near the planet's rings.

Cassini is now getting some of the best views of Saturn's moons.

The spacecraft swung into orbit last November that touches the outer edge of the a ring of Saturn, Titan for the meeting in April, when Cassini crosses in the ring. Orbit "grazing ring" has produced a detailed look of the ring structure, as well as the many moons of Saturn are carving a path between individual rings.NASA released pictures Thursday revealing the form of bread, drawing comparisons to ravioli or walnuts. In January, Cassini captures breathtaking views of 5 miles (8 kilometers) wide Daphnis, who plows through a gap of 26 miles (42 kilometers) between the rings of Saturn, gravity is weak make waves in layers around the Ring.

Next month, Cassini will closely observe some interesting features in the blades called the rings of Saturn. Scientists believe that the riots, named for the famous aviator, created by small moonlets looks so small 300 feet or 100 meters, the ring is embedded. The spacecraft will collect some of the best pictures of the propeller's mission in the coming weeks. Saturn's polar Aurora, environmental dust around the ring and imaging in the long term the Moon Tethys and Enceladus are also on tap. Cassini gets a closer view of the Atlas, the shape of the cup double for the pot and take a picture of in the shadow of Saturn the planet with rings that are illuminated by the Sun, allows scientists to produce a mosaic of faint ring components.

Then came the last meeting of the mission with the Titans on 22 April. Your Moon gravitational Slingshot Cassini near Saturn than any spacecraft in history, in the egg-shaped orbit with a high point of the ring and Threading a low point between the ring and the Saturn's cloud tops.

Researchers are eager to close to Saturn, although the end of the mission would be "an emotional moment", said corn.He said most of the Cassini team members "I think that you have landed on one of the best missions that NASA has every flown."

"It is a step and end time-exact time-has been a great trip, and I think that all the teams should be proud of their achievements," corn said. "As with any good thing to stop, you don't want to do it, but we understand why." Cassini has tripled the length of their stay at Saturn and now running low on fuel."This is more than 7 years since its launch and was at Saturn in 12.0" said corn. "Spacecraft shows its age, in some cases."

Instruments, Cassini Plasma spectrometer, stopped work in 2012, and the spacecraft was working on a backup set of rocket dikompress. "The reaction Wheel, which we use to correct our attitude control, is a maniac but continue to operate." It's something like my knee in the morning, joking corn.

But the majority of the spacecraft systems are still healthy.

"Considering his age and the amount of stress has been, is doing well," said corn. So why send to Cassini in a suicide mission? Officials are concerned that if Cassini died before falling into Saturn, a ship could plow on Titan or Enceladus, months of contamination with a toxic fuel, metal alloys and microbes of the Earth. "In a sense, Cassini has become a victim of its own success," said corn. "We have found this Prebiotik world, almost demands that we don't pollute, so we must be doing something reasonable with the spacecraft."

A shipwreck with Cassini discovery can launch any future life in months in doubt.
"Cassini in room temperature," said corn. "Our Electronics does not run right around 75 degrees Fahrenheit. For microbial resistant, it is convenient as you can, so you really don't want to leave around Saturn. " Sailors plotted the trajectory this summer in the novel ring nearly a decade ago, and NASA is placed in a bold plan after considering a collision with one of the Cassini Saturn is smaller, less habitable Moon or send a ship fly by Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter, or confuse the object of Centaur, a cross between an asteroid and a comet.

"Voyage to Uranus is something like 30 years for a quick flyby", remember Spilker.
A joint study by JPL officials and engineers from Purdue University in 2009 to identify one way send to Cassini through the rings with a thrust of gravity of Titan. "It's really a no-brainer at this point," Spilker said. "The opportunity to enter into that gap, not only for scientists but for the rings of Saturn, scientists are too much to let it go."

"Saturn is still so attractive that we chose to use the last ounce of fuel in spacecraft to explore that system," said corn. NASA considers the pioneer 11 flyby probe addresses through a gap between two sections of the a ring of Saturn in 1979. Any body think about the Voyager probe through the Guide ring called the Cassini Division in the 1980s, but the administrators choosing flights further than security issues. Cassini will pass through even close to Saturn than proposed in the Mission of Pioneer 11 and Voyager. Corn said there was little possibility that Cassini can run out of fuel before September 15, but the reaction wheels could keep the Office of the special room to complete the bulk of planned science campaign this summer.

But once Cassini jumped into the ring next month, his career will naturally to Saturn in September, even if the fault  of the vessel ran out of fuel and crashes into a cloud of icy debris that is unexpected.

"There are very few prospects we really ran out of gas and stopped sputtering," said corn. "It was just how we're going to get." Spilker says scientists will measure the gravitational field of the best Saturn never analyzed radio signals between Cassini and Earth to see how much they are distorted by the gravity of the planet.

"We hope to measure the size of the Rocky base on Saturn," Spilker said on February 22, in a presentation to the group evaluation of NASA'S outer planets. "And this is the core of an interesting Rocky material that eventually formed Saturn." We'll see in also tried to measure the speed of rotation of the internal. " Cassini will near Saturn in its field of gravity with precision to determine the depth of the wind penetrates deep into the planet's atmosphere.

"It could be anywhere from 300 to 3,000 kilometers (186 to 1,860 miles) deep, and irregularities in the gravitational field will give the depth of the wind," Spilker said. The grand finale of Cassini in orbit similar to elliptical turns out NASA'S Juno spacecraft is now exploring Jupiter. Spilker said information about the interior structure of Saturn in the next few months will be compared with data from Jupiter obtained by Juno.

After the orbiter jumped into rings, scientists will be able to separate the mass of material in the rings of Saturn and yes same. Spilker says that the uncertainty in the mass of the rings would be reduced to about 5 percent, producing important clues about its origins.

"That will tell if the rings were less great," says Spilker. "There are some signs that it could be true, (in terms of) young, might formed rings broke months or a comet that came too close to Saturn."

"If they are larger, then there is a possibility that could have formed at the same time as Saturn, not given, but it could have been big enough to survive the bombing became a micrometeoroid is still there to this day," Spilker said. Cassini also showed plasma hid between Saturn and rings, weak on the planet's radiation field polls. If there is a ring of microscopic particles in cosmic dust of space flight path Analyzer, Cassini scooping the ice grains and directly measure the composition.

"We know that the ring is 99 percent water ice," Spilker said. "But if 1 percent or constituents as ice cream?" From iron? Silicate? Organic ingredients? Tholins? Mix? We will get the opportunity to directly measure. " On the last step of the five missions in August and September, Cassini will be so low that the upper layers of the atmosphere, tell the ground team on the molecules that form the outer layer of the building Saturn be cleared up if the same.

"In the last, we're deep enough such that truly defend You point towards the ground as possible, high gain antennas," Spilker said. The mass spectrometer Cassini will collect data "there" condition in the reading of the mood and the pipe to the ground in real time, but with a delay of nearly 90 minutes because of the distance of Saturn, in the storage of measurements on the recorder for playback later.

"Cassini will provide science data until the last minute of their lives," said corn.

The antenna of the orbiter can downlink information around 140 kilobits per second. On speed, it takes 10-20 seconds to transmit pictures, said corn, limiting the possibility of final image during penetration. "Appointing is not very suitable for still images, even though we are still playing with the idea of one more time," said corn. "Why not? If we can sweep the camera through a ring while we are going to be spectacular. "

Control the spacecraft's thrusters will shoot in a hurry to maintain stable probe as often as possible as a thick water Cassini interesting sequence. It will fall to the Cassini to Saturn at a speed of about 35 mph or 78,000 kilometers per second. "Because we are a sampling of the atmosphere of Saturn, while Cassini can point to the Earth, we will send the data  back to science," said corn. "What is happening is that the atmosphere finally pushed to the point where it can't hold  You pointed to the antenna, and it will probably be destroyed a few tens of seconds later".

WHO says strawberries may not be so safe for you

According to the World Health Organization, pesticides potentially toxic to humans and may have a negative effect on reproduction.

New York: strawberries are easily one of the most popular fruit in the world and a sense of giving chocolate dessert spectrum of competition in which a favorite worldwide, however, the latest report had found that the peak of red fruit 
in the list generates highly contaminated with pesticide residues.

According to the World Health Organization, pesticides potentially toxic to humans can have a negative effect on the 

reproductive, immune, or the nervous system, cause cancer and other problems.
A report by the environmental working group found that nearly 70% of 48 types of conventional growing produce samples contaminated with pesticide residues, reports CNN.

Buyers Guide to the EWG rating pesticide contamination of pesticides popular fruits and vegetables based on a sample of more than 36,000 products tested by the Agriculture Department and the Food and Drug Administration.

This year, strawberry remained at the top of the list of products with the highest concentrations of pesticides, while sweet corn and avocados are classified as having the lowest concentration.

Products that tested positive for various pesticides and contains a high concentration of pesticides which appear in the list, known as the "dirty dozen" other products.

Strawberry remains at the top of the list with at least 20 pesticides, while spinach jumping into second place with pesticide residue twice heavier than any other plant.

Americans eat almost 8 pounds of fresh strawberries per person each year, and although they are clarified in the field and wash before eating, even more likely to be contaminated with pesticide residues, according to the environmental working group.

Zika Virus Could Have Harmful Heart Effects

Zika virus has affected many people. New research suggests that it can also have serious effects on the heart.

Zika virus can have adverse effects to the heart as well. Data from the American College of Cardiology have shown that Zika virus have other harmful effects. This effect can cause heart problems in people who had previously not known to have it.

Nine patients who were treated at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Caracas have developed heart rhythm disturbances and at least two-thirds of them had evidence of heart failure after hit by Zika virus.

Other diseases transmitted by mosquitoes such as malaria and dengue fever have an effect on the heart. But researchers have been surprised by the severity of the effects from the heart of Zika virus, according to noted by Karina Gonzalez Carta, MD, lead author of the study and a researcher at the Mayo Clinic, as well as a cardiologist. Even for a small number of cases, the severity of the effects of the virus Zika at the heart already have been observed.

Nine patients had been seen, six of them are women. The average age of the patients was 47 years of age. Symptoms related to heart disease have been reported by the patient. These include difficulty breathing, palpitations and fatigue, according to the journal of science.

The patient also is through ECG. In my tests, eight of the patients were found to have a serious heart problem. 

Patients should undergo careful monitoring, which included an Echocardiogram and MRI study of the heart. Six cases have been found to heart failure, as well as news reports wise.

Patients have been monitored since July 2016. Heart disease do not have settled Yet, even if symptoms improve after treatment. Dr. Carta said that those who have the Zika virus should be aware of the effects of a heart that has been.

Zika virus has much of an effect, one that affects the heart. Zika virus could have harmful effects from the heart. Recently discovered a gene that causes sudden death.


Nissan has taken the network and microblogging Twitter social site to announce the unveiling of a new generation of electric vehicles.

Japan Automobile manufacturers wrote on Twitter on Friday, March 10, the company Nissan leaf EV will be formally declared in September and will go on sale before the end of the year.

Nissan tweets about the official launch of the new Nissan leaf. A September opening of new leaf IE passionate fans may get to see electric vehicles at the Frankfurt Motor Show.

Nissan EV design recently said that guided by the concept of the id. The concept debuted in the Tokyo Hall id 2015.

Tweet Japan Automobile manufacturers said specifically that the new sheet "will be all over the world that reveal" in September. Tweet also mentioned that the vehicles "will go on sale before the end of the year."

The current model of the blade has a variety of 107 miles on a single charge. Next-generation models say they have increased mile range, may be near between the Chevrolet bolt EV 238 miles.

Asked if the new Nissan leaf electric vehicle will be able to compete with the Chevrolet bolt EV in 2017 the Consumer Electronics Show, Nissan's research and advance Engineering Vice President Takao Asami said, "we can go to 200 or even 300. We can be. " He added, "the question is the cost".

The technology of electric vehicle may be the same Reginald Zoe EV. Reginald Zoe EV debuted at the Paris Auto salon in the previous year. Electric vehicles use lithium-ion batteries supplied by LG Chem, which also supplies Chevrolet 

battery pin EV. Reginald Zoe EV, however, only has a range of simple 189 miles compared with bolt EV.


Details of the new Mercedes-AMG Hypercar has appeared recently on the internet. The Hypercar, called project, said to be a monster of a vehicle.

The new Hypercar project one of the Mercedes-AMG details now available. President Tobias Moers has given more details

of the hypercar a highly anticipated project at the Geneva Motor Show. Moers said that project one the engine will rev around 11,000 revolutions per minute and is capable of more than 1,000 HP.

This is definitely an interesting development in the hypercar. However, it should be noted that one project will have a mechanic under the formula would mean higher costs. Like F1 inspired Hypercar, life expectancy of the project will only be approximately 31,000 miles that they mean 50,000 kilometres before needing a lot of job search engines.

The hypercar is that it is officially presented at the Frankfurt motor show in the autumn of this year. It is expected that many more puzzles and news about the development of the it leader will get there until the official disclosure.

Other details are known about a formula including a hypercar little changed, the hybrid configuration is based on a formula one car manufacturer W07, front electric vehicles to help the search engines to provide power to all four wheels and weight 2,200 pounds the pavement. It is said that brought major label price US $2.5 million.

The engine of the vehicle is really a V6 Turbo 1.6-liter Mercedes champion W07, one placed in the 2016 formula. It should be noted that vehicles dominated formula one season the year 2016 with 19 victories, 33 podiums and poles.

There are currently no other details about a project. There is no official photos. Amazing writing down existing vehicles, however, care design Jan Peisert.